You know papaya? Sure have and often eat it. Fortunately for you because of the benefits contained in the papaw really is complete. In addition, starting from seeds, leaves, stems until the roots are also very bermanafaat as a drug.
It is known to begin in 1992, a research organization called The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) in Washington the U.S. has conducted research on the health benefits that terdapa than 40 kinds of fruit. The assessment is based on the benefits of the substance contained in it which consists of nine types of vitamins, potassium and fiber food. Substance contained in each fruit should be sufficient against the recommended number of nutrient adequacy (RDA).
The results of these assessments concluded that the papaya is the most healthful fruits among the few fruits that were studied, followed by cantaloupe, strawberry, orange, and tangerine. CSPI research results is certainly very surprising. Because, in addition to highly nutritious and very healthy, papaya is also easily available, cheap and tasty. Plus because this variety is always available throughout the year without any specific season.
Consider the contents contained in a ripe papaya. Betacryptoxanthin (761 mikrogram/100 g), beta-carotene (276 mikrogram/100 g), and lutein and zeaxanthin (75 mikrogram/100 g). As we all know that beta-carotene is a provitamin A as well as a powerful antioxidant in warding off free radicals that attack happened. Vitamin A is at 100 g of ripe papaya fruit contains a range between 1094-18250 SI, varies according to each varieties. While betacryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein to act more as an antioxidant in preventing the emergence of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
In addition, vitamin A, other vitamain also contained in it is vitamin C (62-78 mg/100 g) and folate (38 mikrogram/100 g). Levels of fiber per 100 grams 1.8 grams of ripe fruit. Well, papaya fibers are very suitable in dealing with difficult defecation (BAB) and prevent constipation. And you need to know, one slice of papaya for three knuckles adults only or 140 grams is enough to satisfy the contribution of vitamin C as much as 150 percent of the nutritional adequacy of the recommended daily allowance (RDA), as well as meet the fiber content as much as 10 percent of the RDA.
In terms of mineral content, ripe papaya fruit contains potassium (257 mg/100 g) and very little sodium (3 mg/100 g). And because the ratio of potassium to sodium is very high papaya fruit is what causes the papaya is very potent in preventing hypertension.
Besides potassium, other minerals contained in them are iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Another advantage that distinguishes papaya fruit from other fruits that are low fat, no cholesterol at all and of course low in sodium.
Stems, leaves, seeds, and roots, Everything Helpful In addition to fruit, other parts of the papaya plant also is useful. Starting from the root for instance, can cure kidney stone disease and urinary tract diseases. While papaya seeds can be used as a drug exterminator pinworms in children.
For those of you who like to cook, this is you need to know that papaya latex can be used to make you want to cook meat becomes tender. The sap from the sap that can exist in the stems, leaves, or young papaya fruit. The sap is a source of enzyme papain. This enzyme is a proteolytic enzyme (protein-breaking) that serves as pengempuk meat (meat tenderizer), which can break down the fibers of the tough meat becomes tender.
For industry, papain substance also used in cosmetic industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile and leather industry (as a tanner), as well as cleaning wastes.
Young papaya leaves can be processed into delicacies such as knapsack, ointment, or vegetable stew. You are lucky because even eat bitter taste, young papaya leaves contain potent alkaloids that lowering blood pressure, as a malaria drug, lowering fever and killer amoeba. ***
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Papaya fruit, nutritional content of astonishing!
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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