For those patients with coronary heart disease, maybe now you should be careful in maintaining the level of your depression. Why? Because depression and heart disease turned out to have a close relationship in the problem of "killing". The combination of the two "friends" is, when experienced by someone while at the same time, making the patient has the risk of death four times higher than if it only has one just like depression or heart disease alone.
A study of British Whitehall II study has been conducted in England and France in this matter. No half-hearted, six thousand patients took part in this study for several years. As a result, patients with heart disease are at risk of death up to 67%. And if the patient also suffered depression simultaneously, the percentage is increasing the risk of death.
Then, how can these risks be minimized? Amy Thompson, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation said that regular exercise and eating healthy foods and not excessive in eating the food, can help you in avoiding this risk. And for depression does not come to you, turns out to practice their religion regularly and regularly every day and close to God, is a potent drug in preventing the emergence of depression. *** ...
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
Relationship Between Depression With Heart Disease
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you
Tips for Securing your ATM Strategies of Cracker breaker ATM
Tips for Securing your ATM Strategies of Cracker breaker ATM
Now the technology used by cyber criminals have advanced and sophisticated. Therefore needed the latest technology in security systems for blocking a strong banking. However, to avoid crime by crackers, the active role of clients is also required. Consider telling tips from M. Salahuddien, Vice Chairman of the Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII) the following:
1. Ask the bank to replace your credit or debit cards with chip cards. Bank Indonesia (BI) has issued new regulations which since January 2010, all the old card-based magnetic should no longer be used and must be replaced with chip-based cards.
According to M. Salahuddien who fondly called Didi, he has yet to confirm whether this rule applies only to credit card only, or also for atm card? According to him should have all the cards issued by banks should be based on the chip. In fact, if abroad, the ATM machines are not using non-chip cards anymore.
2. Close the code 3 digit (CVV2) found on the back of your card, either with a sticker, cellotape or anything that is not transparent. Please note that in addition to an online transaction authorization, code 3 digits will not ever be used for conventional transactions such as the ATM machine or at the counter EDC merchants.... 3. In order to maintain the security, change your PIN as often as possible. At least once a year on the day of your birth so you can easily remember. Or six months or once every time you have a chance to change it.
4. Nor should even provide information about the pin and your personal data to anyone for any reason, including the bank's customer service, unless you are sure that this is a procedure that must be passed. For now a lot of third party on behalf of banks, such as insurance companies on the grounds has cooperated with the bank issuing the card, they offer their products via telephone or directly come to you asking you to provide personal information on this.
In such matters, always be careful, because if you approve it then means you are willing for them to do auto ebet against your account. This is very dangerous. For that you immediately asked for more time to them to confirm to the bank concerned, is it true that the bank has been working with the telemarketing and ask also how the rules of the game follows the risk.
5. When you are shopping or browsing the merchant's counter, keep an eye on your card presence when in the hands of officers. Follow where your card is taken and do not let the card was brought into the room or to a place that's not in front of you. Make sure they swipe your card only once the friction course. The cards are swiped to different machines and many times is not fair. When this happens, too, immediately ask the officer why do so. If the answer is not satisfactory, immediately cancel the transaction and refused to sign anything. Immediately report the things that have happened to the issuing bank to the suspicion to the condition at a merchant counter.
6. Note also the physical condition of the engine used EDC. Make sure that no additional device attached to the machine, either strapped to the cable-shaped or other suspicious objects. Although this needs to be understanding of difficult technical and viewed by a novice user, but by naked eye from us beware, it can be known.
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you
Want Business Success? Follow These Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs
Want Business Success? Follow These Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs
You are an entrepreneur? Maybe you should read this article. Articles on tips on how an entrepreneur to be successful and to act in its business. This is what makes many emerging new entrepreneurs are successful who knows this secret key. The key is taking them apart from the various problems faced and come out as winners.
Mental attitude and personality of a businessman is to determine whether or not their business forward. A successful entrepreneur is certainly having an attitude that supports the success he achieved. Then what kind of mental attitude it takes a new entrepreneur to run the business he is moving quickly and provide maximum benefit for their business.
As an entrepreneur, basically there are 5 mental attitude that you should apply:
1. Mental Mental Winners Versus Losers
You need to know that success is in fact not something that happens by chance. Once jgua with failures that are also not happen by chance. Success and failure of mental and behavior produced by the perpetrators. Mental hardiness, which is always positive attitude, will bring happiness, peace and sincerity in every business that you live. Therefore, memulailah with the right mental.
Mental loser or loser
Mental a loser always do 3 things in doing business are:
a. Blame, blame someone else obtaining behave in the event of a problem.
b. Excuse, always trying to find a thousand reasons or excuse for him not to blame.
c. Denial, not always accept the reality that happened that happened to him and always deny it.
This thing is often a "scapegoat" for it, either excuse or deny the attitude is the reason most countries, economic conditions, market, competitors, neighbors, wives, husbands, children, parents, and so forth. There was even a very severe mental entrepreneurs to blame God.
Mental winner.
Mental always be a winner also will be 3 things in doing business are:
a. Ownership: Mental attitude has a very high against the company and control of the company so that he is very concerned about everything that happened. This guy just does not let companies that control the situation, but it was he who controls the company into a good direction. This is no different than a captain who controls his ship towards the land of dreams that's correct.
b. Accountable: Attitudes strong opinionated and always committed to run every plan that has been planned with the patient. In Arabic it is better known by the term "Tsiqoh" or solid in the establishment.
c. Responsible. Responsible attitude about something that happened and did not escape to anything that happened. 2. Failure Is Part of Your Success.
In the business world, you should be prepared to fail. When asked, who wants to fail? Guaranteed guns one wants, right? But who wants to succeed? Everyone's hand up ... The question is, who wants to do what is done by successful entrepreneurs? Not many are still willing to raise their hands? Lah, he will succeed but do not want to work hard. That means, most entrepreneurs would only just have a plan alone and do not dare to run it. Lah, how would succeed if only just a dream!
For that, prepare everything that might keep you away from failure. And be prepared if it fails. because failure is part of your success.
Why do so many people commit suicide if it fails? Because in the hearts and minds is never dawned that there is fail is part of every business. Shok when receive the failure and became disillusioned with very deep. Know that failure is something that is definitely in business. This is the thinking you need to consider.
3. Failure due to Know: "I Know Everything."
The attitude of "I know everything" is an attitude that should really be shunned by a successful businessman. Many successful entrepreneurs in the world who have never said this: I know everything ..... They are successful people who think ahead. They never say "I Know", they always say ... "Is not that interesting Hhmmmm .." When you say "I Know Everything" or "I Know Everything", it means you have your own inhibit creative thinking. And you close the door to accept new things.
In conclusion: A world-class entrepreneurs who withstand the crisis is always open-minded to keep learning and learning. Well, if you want to take the time to always be learning?
4. Time Management vs. Self Management.
A businessman told me: "When my vacation, my mind is not always uneasy. Sometimes thinking about the office, thinking about the customer, production, cost, etc. "
You want to know why this is so? The answer because you have not yet solid business foundation. The foundation of your business when you build a business not addressed properly. Why? Because you are busy, it was the answer ....
You should know that large employers should not be busy, busy especially in uncertain business. Large employers do not need to perform operational matters such as: the bandwagon to count pennies, queuing at the bank, wrote his own financial reports and so forth. You must learn to manage your time and melilmpahkan your task to the employee.
5. Setting Goal or Target
Now I'll help you. Please answer the following questions:
a. Where you will bring your wife and kids to vacation this year?
b. What a gift you buy for the person you love most, so he'll be very surprised?
c. What is the name of a family restaurant that will make you so surprised when hear it?
d. What one thing you need for your home to buy right now?
e. Houses that how you dreamed of as your second home?
f. How much money would you donate and what social events you want to do this year?
g. Birthday gift what you dream of, which would you buy for yourself which is something fantastic?
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you