Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
This is because the most beautiful thing in the world NOT visible.
We're all a little weird ... and life itself is also somewhat strange ...
And when we find someone who is in line with our uniqueness.
We join him and fall into a similar oddity called LOVE.
There are things - things that do not want us to remove ...
People - people who do not want us to leave ...
But remember ... NOT release the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.
Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried.
Since it is they who can appreciate how important the people who have touched their lives.
Which SUPREME LOVE is ...
Is when you shed tears and STILL cares ..
It is when he does not mempedulikanmu and you STILL waiting faithfully.
Is when he began to love others and you STILL can smile and say 'I'm so happy for you' If love does not work ... Free yourself ...
Let your heart spread its wings and flew back to the wild MORE ...
Remember ... that you may find love and lose it ...
But, when love is dead ... You do NOT need to die with him ...
NOT the strongest people who always win, BUT they are still tough when they fall.
Somehow in the course of life, you learn about yourself and realize that regret is not supposed to be there.
It is only the eternal reward on choice - choice of life you've created.
Understand when you say 'I forgot'
Wait forever when you say 'Wait a minute'
Stay when you say 'Leave me alone'
Opening the door even though you have NOT knocked and said, 'Can I come in? "
LOVE ...
Is NOT how you forget, but how you forgive.
Is NOT how you listen but how you understand.
Is NOT what you see, but what you feel.
More dangerous shed tears in the liver, compared wept - tears.
Tears were coming out can be removed, while the hidden tears carve wounds that will never disappear.
In matters of love, we are VERY RARE win.
But when it SINCERELY LOVE, though losing, you STILL WIN happy just because you can love someone MORE than you love yourself.
There comes a time where you have to stop loving someone. NOT because the person stopped loving us but because we realize that people would be happier if we let go.
If you really - really love someone, do not remove him.
Do not believe that releasing ALWAYS mean you really - really love BUT ... Fight for your love.
Better to wait for the person whom you want THAN walk with people 'not available'.
Better to wait for someone you love THAN those who are around you.
Better to wait for the right person because life is too short to be disposed of only by 'someone'.
Sometimes, those you love MOST is the person who hurt you and sometimes, friends who brought you into his arms and cry with the love that you do not realize.
And now find U'r Love ... ... ...
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
True Love and True Friend
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010
10 Tips for Finding and Keeping Love Relationships
10 Tips for Finding and Keeping Love Relationships
1. Do not fall in love with someone who is very potential. Too many men and women who have a friend or stay in a relationship with the expectation that others will change.
Be honest and be yourself and ask: "Can I love this person with the actual way in which they are now without hope for change?" if not, find another.
2. Do not worry about lust. In the sense that in a hurry, people having sex would create a false intimacy, which will lead to disappointment.
Take time to create a genuine emotional connection and let the passionate sexual relationship grow.
3. Do not ignore the desperation to have a relationship. For example, if he makes a statement like "I do not perform properly commitment," Trust him.
Ask yourself, "Is this person emotionally and situsioanal willing?" (People tend to spend time to his hobby and then a new partner).
4. Do not assume your friends are "physically" knowing what you want and need.
Responsible to express your feelings and need each other. This will avoid conflict and emotional connections in between you.
5. Accept your partner is. When the couple entered the honeymoon phase, they often feel satisfied with each other.
Continue to do romantic things with one another in every relationship, not only in the early stages. For example, make a "date night" once a week.
6. Be empathetic to your partner. Set aside some time to your plan and see your partner to understand his thinking. Acknowledge and validate your partner's feelings does not mean you have to agree with them. If this does not mean you have to give up on your own needs. Often times, the feeling of understanding will mean more to your partner than to be right or win the battle.
7. Focus on what you like about your partner and what they are doing right, rather than about their mistakes.
8. Your lover back. People who love you back. You will not be involved with someone who will love you.
9. You do not feel you are walking on eggshells. If you have a strong feeling in your stomach, it is not love, but you try to get approval.
10. A healthy relationship will enhance self-esteem.
To obtain a harmonious relationship, each partner needs to expose themselves. Healthy relationships happen when both partners feel safe to express themselves actually against each other.
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Reasons They Using Google
Reasons They Using Google
Google is a search engine that includes the most used on the internet, a variety of reasons they chose Google, let's look together.
Focus For Search Engines
Google's such a focus on the type of search services in addition to its superior information as a commodity other efforts that enrich the main service.
Google Popularity
Google as a search engine, has a name that is quite popular in the eyes of Internet users in the world, so this machine has been named by Internet users as a major search engine to perform various types of searches.
Since its launch in 2001, the search engine this one is the most widely used netter. In the matter of access and popularity, Google still meduduki ranked first in the web.
Speed and Ease
The speed and ease with which Google offered only a three-step process (call, type, and see the results) - is one of the advantages of Google. Google is also very good in search of technical problems and the hobby of an activity. Similarly, in the search image and the actual news.
Because Google provides relevant search results-most first and fast! A large amount of information on the Internet requires a search service that is perfect for managing the information so accessible and useful. Without supplies a very powerful search, looking for a particular website is very difficult, not to say impossible.
Regularity on the Internet
Google is designed to create order in the chaos of information. This is a search service should be; not a directory, edited, or restricted or a list of results already obtained from the search of the most widely, but a method of organizing the Internet based on the structure itself.
Looking for More than 1 million URLs
Google's index, which consists of over 1 million URLs, is the first of its kind and represents a comprehensive collection of web pages are useful on the Internet.
Google linked to more than 8 billion web pages. So many pages are indexed, so we like are faced with a very complete library.
Results Search Words
Unlike other search engines, Google only produces results that match all the words you enter, be it in the text of a page or in the links that go to that page. No more frustration with the results that have nothing to do with the words you seek.
Proximity Search Words
Google search results not only contain all the words you are looking for, but Google also analyzes the proximity of those words within a page. Unlike other search engines, Google prioritizes results according to the proximity of the search words. Google prioritizes results close to the words that you are looking for, so you need a little time to manage the irrelevant results.
Preview for All Results
Avoiding web page summaries that never change, Google absorbing text that match your query in the search results. This feature saves time and frustration in loading web pages that are not relevant.
Make You Feel Lucky!
Google looks quite careful in providing the most accurate results for common queries such as company names. They were confident, even, they install the "I'm Feeling Lucky ™", which takes you directly to the website of the first search result. Google "I'm Feeling Lucky ™" is designed to take you to the information quickly.
Web Page Cache
Another plus, is a pioneer of search engine Google has cached. With the existence of this cache, the searcher can save search time, because search results will be displayed on the pages you saved previously.
Google stores many web pages in its cache to be taken to you as a back-up in case the page server temporarily fails. Looking at the cached material is often faster than usual following a link, although the information that you may lack up-to-date.
Use of Facilities and Competition
For those of you who are used to using one search engine, generally use almost the same as each other, as well as the facilities available, can be a feature not available in one place but are available elsewhere, let alone see the phenomenon of search engine providers are inter- competing with each other woods.
Looking at recent developments, their rivalry is good news for us, because their services would be more complete from day to day.
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010