Submit Blog to Search Engines
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) aims to increase the volume & quality of traffic to the site from search engine results. Search engines work with different algorithms to analyze the content and keywords and presents the search results. For example, Google gives a page rank to a site and a highly ranked site will appear at the beginning of the search results. Of course, many other factors considered by search engines, such as relevance, unique content, coding & quality link. Major search engines such as Google states that these factors will only encourage manipulation of the ranking system and the workings of a secret ranking algorithms.
While there is no SEO consultant can with certainty how each search engine to see the site, the general agreement is that the more visible your site on the internet, the higher your ranking. Having your site linked to by many different sites & indexed by search engines, it will increase your site's visibility on the internet. This article will provide a list of search engines where you can submit URL of your website / blog for free & hopefully your site / blog indexed by search engines.
Site Indexing
Unless you make the blog private is a matter of time that your blog will be indexed by major search engines, like Google, Yahoo & MSN. One of the quickest ways for your site indexed is to get backlinks from sites that already exist in the list of search engines. When the crawler search engines to visit sites that provide backlinks to your site, they will find your site and index it. I myself have a blogroll with the blogs of others who have indexed search engines, just 1 day my blog has been indexed by search engines, especially Google. You can use this method if you want to blog quickly indexed by search engines. Before we go any further into the site search engine list, there are several points to note:
1. To check whether your site is indexed by search engines, enter the full URL into their search query before you submit your blog. Like Microsoft Live Search, enter site: followed by the full URL. If you see your blog appear in search results, it means that your blog has been indexed and do not need to re-submit your blog.
2. If your blog has been a link to the Blog Directories, you can see a site that mentions your blog comes up first in search results.
3. While it is to submit your blog, you do not need to submit the URL of every web page. The on-submit only top level web pages and blogs to Blogger, then the URL is like this without www. Before blogname.
4. You can submit your sitemap to Google & login to Google Webmaster site to find out the status of the indexing and view traffic statistics. And also, submit your sitemap to Yahoo! for an index * to link not just Google it. Also submit your sitemap to MSN and
5. If you add your URL at Yahoo, the URL that will appear on other search sites, such as AllTheWeb and AltaVista. Similarly, if on Google, it will appear on AOL Search also because they each use the data from Yahoo! & Google.
6. Some sites send ads and newsletters to you to exchange links for on-submit your blog for free. If you do not want, remember to exit from the site. Do not use your personal email account that will be used to sumbit requirements blogs for free.
7. Since search engines use the standard content, design and technical specifications of different does not guarantee your blog will be included in their database.
List of Search Engines List Search Engine
You can submit your blog URL to the list of search engines for free. If you lack the time, submit your site to the top Few leading search engines. If you do not have much time, submit your blog to major search engines only.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Submit Blog to Search Engines
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
Cigarettes only temporary pleasure
Cigarettes only temporary pleasure
No doubt that the greater the dangers of smoking until to the point of threatening the destruction of a nation.
Given the large anti-smoking campaign in the west, so many companies cigarette producer directs its marketing to developing countries that consume more cigarettes than 52% of all tobacco products in the world. ·
World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the death rate caused by ingestion of cigarettes reached 2.5 million people per year. Meanwhile, the number of victims to similar cases in the United States in 1987 reached 350,000 people, whereas in the UK in 1997 reached 100,000 orang.Jumlah victims and people with diseases that result from consuming cigarettes were increasingly growing. Worse yet the data that says that 30% to 40% of them have started an addiction at ages under fifteen years.
In this small book we tried to convey these views and attitudes about the dangers of our Shari'a and methods to avoid it.
He is a kind of plant from the nation Eggplant, has dark stems and cylindrical, oval-shaped leaves are large and somewhat sticky, smell and stinging, therein contained various chemical elements, including: Nicotine, Baridin, potassium, Nikotianin, Kolilidin, Edrogen, Carbon Oxides, Acid Prosik, Everything
is a dangerous poison. (1) CIGARETTE HISTORY
Tobacco comes from the American continent, until now not known exactly when the continent's population began to consume tobacco. About some of the archaeological excavations in the United States found ceramic smoking pipes that show in about 600 BC.
When Christopper Columbus with people from Spanish first arrived in Central America as an inventor of a new continent in 1492 AD, they are familiar with cigarettes, then after that menyebarlah cigarettes in continental Europe. (2) Some say that the sentence tobacco comes from the word "Tobago" which means the pipe tobacco in Indian languages, there is also a saying that "Tobago" is the name of an island in the Gulf of Mexico that it contained tobacco and then taken to Spain.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
The more we lose some confidence, it will be increasingly difficult to decide who best should we do to ourselves. Doubt it would be too difficult for us to actualize who we really are. It may be that we are supposed to be better than now, remained in the same position. Not move forward.
Belle is the one that emanated from the confidence we have built. Perhaps our physical circumstances semolek not celebrities, but we are good at utilizing the advantages that we have to prevent people from looking at our shortcomings, but only to see the advantages we have. We are so confident with whatever we have. Does A Beauty
Being beautiful, who does not want ... every girl wants her perfect beauty gift given from God, beautiful and concern to many people, famous and proud of himself. Being beautiful is always measured with outward beauty alone? Each person has a different answer and it's back on the extent to which people are assessing the meaning of a beauty.
Most often we now hear his Inner beauty is beauty that comes from within. It is clear that beauty does not only look as beautiful as what we face, what our bodies as beautiful, but beauty from the inside to boost the worst side we have.
Lulu Dewayanti, Indonesia could become popular moldel a good benchmark. His face was not very pretty, but strong self-confidence has made a very interesting personality. He was successful in the model rather than by relying on a pretty face but he's trying to accomplish with confidence.
If we do not feel Beautiful
Comparing ourselves with supermodel .. wah so far away, .. they look very pretty in any atmosphere but we are .. why do we always feel ugly compared to other people ... change your view of it in ourselves because no one ugly creature God created. . all beautiful, it depends on where we looked at, OK from the outer corner of the supermodel is a beautiful creature but far dilubuk deepest hearts we are the most cantik.Bentuklah beauty something with what you want, even if it's true you do not feel beautiful but you make yourself beautiful harmony by always being in mempadu-match fashion, you set yourself as possible and be a nice guy for every environment that you attended.
Changing views on the meaning of true beauty
Do not judge the beauty of the outward beauty of the course, change your views about the meaning of your beauty, beauty can not be judged by only one point of view but from a different aspect to each other mutual support, beauty is a combination of outward and inner beauty, outer beauty without inner beauty will taste bland but inner beauty will radiate outward beauty. Outward beauty will taste bland if not diseimbangi by inner beauty.
Thankful that you have
Gratitude all the gifts that God has given to you will make yourself always feel happy in every day, you become a man who never complained about a thing, kamu selalu can put themselves serving you in real, you value yourself alone with any form of deficiency and excess you, thank you and you will always feel happy, happiness that you feel will shine on you everyday attitude, you become cheerful and always smiling, the beauty that you desire you will get.
How happy if we can menyuskuri anyone ourselves. We will avoid the feelings of envy, jealousy, low self-esteem, and depressed. We will love ourselves, with whatever conditions we have.
Desi-Fitr, a singer who has a deficiency in his limbs, so appear confident with the excess in her voice. Her voice is melodious used to make it more interesting. Forget the shortcomings we have, because no one is perfect.
Inner beauty
Many people say inner beauty (inner beauty) are very difficult to have but that's an absolute beauty must-have every person, outward beauty will easily have much less advanced in this century, people who can flat-nosed sharp-nosed, black people can be white, all be possible to be beautiful outwardly but why it would be difficult to achieve inner beauty? .. to achieve the absolute beauty of this required an awareness that inner beauty is most important to have. And to achieve inner beauty is a process that requires hard if not counterbalanced by the self belief that that is a must-have.
Outward beauty is not eternal
So-so now you feel proud with the outward beauty that you have but remember that beauty is only for a moment you have, nothing is eternal in this life other than inner beauty. Over time will diminish the beauty of us, slowly but it was inevitable, but whether it is inner beauty will disappear over time? Not even will grow beautifully if you continue mengembangbiakannya and maintain it. Proverb says Tiger blemish dead leaves, dead leaves Elephant tusks, this means that humans left behind in this life is good.
One thing we must not forget. "STAY SELF CONFIDENCE ALTHOUGH ANYONE YOU"
Beautiful without confidence, it will be bland. Confident though not beautiful, it will be interesting.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Smart and intelligent is not enough to guarantee someone's success. There are other values that need to be held firm. This is what gave birth to the fact that many people tend to misuse high berintelejensia prowess if not supported by other intelligence factors.
In a class of human population there are a group of people with a small percentage of suffering, experiencing mental illness or isolated. This group may not "understand" what is right and wrong.
In this respect the values and philosophy played a role. Our assessment becomes the basis for trust and determine action. Philosophy is a way for us to determine the value. Intelligent philosophy is a desire to understand people, objects, and the world through a series of words to describe how they work, thus providing an emotional security in forecasting the future. Man with the philosophy of relying on logic in making decisions, and estimates the price of something against the "code" essential or set guidelines that causes tension. Humans with this view rely on the awareness of competition, sometimes in separate social authority. In the hypothesis of this study found that there is something more fundamental than the ability of emotional intelligence. It looks sort of moral compass. This is the heart of business success that run long. "Something more" is called moral intelligence (moral intelligence.)
Moral intelligence is not only crucial to effective leadership, but also a "central intelligence" for all mankind. Why? Because moral intelligence is directly underlie human intelligence to do something useful. Moral Intelligence gives human life has a purpose. Without moral intelligence, we can not do anything and the events that become the experience so it is not meaningful. Without moral intelligence we will not know why the work we do? And what should be done?
Born Moral
A leader is best to think "we", not "me." A simple thing, where people who have good moral character which is inborn. They follow a moral compass despite the temptation. They choose which right from wrong. Good people and good leaders is part of moral values. they believe in the honesty and responsibility for oneself and others. They also grieve for the suffering of others and know how to forgive as the importance of her own.
To have moral tolerance, we first need the ability to see the world through the eyes of others. Many psychologists believe that the initial indication is empathy. Since the age of two years, we began to show cracks of justice, responsibility, and feel guilty.
We've all heard the children three or four turns responding to reality or the imagination of justice with an empathy, "That's not fair!". Many of us started at an early age to do something that we know will upset other people. Do the negative is an important part of learning has a moral. if we do not do something bad, it will be difficult for us to understand the difference between right and wrong behavior. Think about the last time that you can remember when you make a mistake.
Scientists studying the relationship between brain function and behavior begin to chart "moral anatomy" of the brain. They studied how the brain gives the impact on moral behavior. Most of us know what is right, sometimes struggling to do what we know to be true - when we lack the moral competence to act in harmony with moral guidance.
Researchers have found that our brains make a difference. When neuroscience compared with the behavior of two teenagers who suffer brain injuries, they found a sharp difference in the capacity of their wounds.
If it is true that we have a relationship to follow the Golden Rule, then how can we explain all the violence? We can try to write crime and violence as a natural mutation of normal human nature. Most of us, however, realize that there is a dark side within us.
By balancing the rate of competition and set the dark side of ourselves is the subject of moral intelligence. Choosing between competing desires is the subject of morality. There is no morality without choice. Making a decision between the rate of competition requires us to make moral choices. This is a moral intelligence, the ability to balance the pace of competition, which make us as truly human.
Psychologist Martin Seligman and his colleagues in the scope of "positive psychology" have the research that led to the six identified "common values" in all cultures in the world: hope, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Despite the label change and a strong attitude that neglect the possibility of each culture to explain the principles that are different, the underlying moral sense, is always the same.
We believe in the existence of general principles, although we know the general principles are not spread as a whole. We believe that we are in harmony with these principles is very important for the struggle of the individual, organization and success.
Moral Guidance
As we saw earlier that from birth we have had a "talent" immoral. But talent alone is not enough. Stability among the talents, abilities, and action is of support towards the achievement of objectives. This is called the "harmony of life."
Reaching the harmony of life may sometimes be difficult, but it did not impose us to perform superhuman acts. Only the necessary steps that are consistent from day to day, what should we do, what we need to reach their goals. harmony of life is also not an accident. Alignment of life is needed in doing something on purpose and for a purpose. How to start?
Alignment of life has two processes. The first process, build models of your personal views: - moral "what you value, and what the most important thing that you trust? - The purpose of" what you want to improve your personality and your professionalism? - The behavior of "what action will you do to reach your goal?
Furthermore, after building a model personal harmony and know what is appropriate in the "frame" her own, do your best to improve harmony between moral frames.
Unlike a general principle, which was sent to each person, the value (value) is the individual. There is a special reason to identify important values held. Values help people to selective on how to spend precious time. While values can help tell right from wrong, values also help people to decide the right thing by guided choices. To make the right decision, to consider important choices of personal values such as health, personal growth, adventure, and family.
Same with every part of effective leadership, good decision-making to explain about your personal values. Sometimes we do not accurately assess what we say and what we do. If every time you get yourself not consistent with the values, you have a choice. You can learn to harmony better behavior with your values, develop moral and emotional competence or you simply accept that you judge something you feel is not important to you. This is no problem as long as your actions are not contrary to general principles.
Any effective leader has a crystal ball clear objectives. The objective is very important for an effective leader because the purpose of moving beyond what is conscious or good intentions of specific actions. Effective leaders accept responsibility as a way of achieving goals. Effective leaders have a goal so they pay attention. They are also encouraging their followers to build personality and achieve goals. One of the tools terhandal motivator of good leaders is to show concern for what is desired and the purpose of which is owned by the people who worked with him.
Behavior put "live" in the "life line". Habit of showing what to do, including thoughts, emotions, and actions taken. The habit is something that inspires people to follow the leader. Humans will not know you as a moral leader unless you talk about your life goals and act in harmony.
Moral Intelligence is part of the human being to sharpen the human moral compass and make sure that the objectives are consistent with moral guidance. Moral competence is the ability to act on our moral principles. Emotional competence is the ability to manage our emotions and other people in situations of moral demands. Without moral intelligence there is no training that will lead us to moral leadership, also called the brain injured child. No matter how hard their parents try to fill the positive values, they actually lack the basic neurologika, a tool to distinguish between right and wrong.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you