Submit Blog to Search Engines
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) aims to increase the volume & quality of traffic to the site from search engine results. Search engines work with different algorithms to analyze the content and keywords and presents the search results. For example, Google gives a page rank to a site and a highly ranked site will appear at the beginning of the search results. Of course, many other factors considered by search engines, such as relevance, unique content, coding & quality link. Major search engines such as Google states that these factors will only encourage manipulation of the ranking system and the workings of a secret ranking algorithms.
While there is no SEO consultant can with certainty how each search engine to see the site, the general agreement is that the more visible your site on the internet, the higher your ranking. Having your site linked to by many different sites & indexed by search engines, it will increase your site's visibility on the internet. This article will provide a list of search engines where you can submit URL of your website / blog for free & hopefully your site / blog indexed by search engines.
Site Indexing
Unless you make the blog private is a matter of time that your blog will be indexed by major search engines, like Google, Yahoo & MSN. One of the quickest ways for your site indexed is to get backlinks from sites that already exist in the list of search engines. When the crawler search engines to visit sites that provide backlinks to your site, they will find your site and index it. I myself have a blogroll with the blogs of others who have indexed search engines, just 1 day my blog has been indexed by search engines, especially Google. You can use this method if you want to blog quickly indexed by search engines. Before we go any further into the site search engine list, there are several points to note:
1. To check whether your site is indexed by search engines, enter the full URL into their search query before you submit your blog. Like Microsoft Live Search, enter site: followed by the full URL. If you see your blog appear in search results, it means that your blog has been indexed and do not need to re-submit your blog.
2. If your blog has been a link to the Blog Directories, you can see a site that mentions your blog comes up first in search results.
3. While it is to submit your blog, you do not need to submit the URL of every web page. The on-submit only top level web pages and blogs to Blogger, then the URL is like this without www. Before blogname.
4. You can submit your sitemap to Google & login to Google Webmaster site to find out the status of the indexing and view traffic statistics. And also, submit your sitemap to Yahoo! for an index * to link not just Google it. Also submit your sitemap to MSN and
5. If you add your URL at Yahoo, the URL that will appear on other search sites, such as AllTheWeb and AltaVista. Similarly, if on Google, it will appear on AOL Search also because they each use the data from Yahoo! & Google.
6. Some sites send ads and newsletters to you to exchange links for on-submit your blog for free. If you do not want, remember to exit from the site. Do not use your personal email account that will be used to sumbit requirements blogs for free.
7. Since search engines use the standard content, design and technical specifications of different does not guarantee your blog will be included in their database.
List of Search Engines List Search Engine
You can submit your blog URL to the list of search engines for free. If you lack the time, submit your site to the top Few leading search engines. If you do not have much time, submit your blog to major search engines only.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Submit Blog to Search Engines
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
Cigarettes only temporary pleasure
Cigarettes only temporary pleasure
No doubt that the greater the dangers of smoking until to the point of threatening the destruction of a nation.
Given the large anti-smoking campaign in the west, so many companies cigarette producer directs its marketing to developing countries that consume more cigarettes than 52% of all tobacco products in the world. ·
World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the death rate caused by ingestion of cigarettes reached 2.5 million people per year. Meanwhile, the number of victims to similar cases in the United States in 1987 reached 350,000 people, whereas in the UK in 1997 reached 100,000 orang.Jumlah victims and people with diseases that result from consuming cigarettes were increasingly growing. Worse yet the data that says that 30% to 40% of them have started an addiction at ages under fifteen years.
In this small book we tried to convey these views and attitudes about the dangers of our Shari'a and methods to avoid it.
He is a kind of plant from the nation Eggplant, has dark stems and cylindrical, oval-shaped leaves are large and somewhat sticky, smell and stinging, therein contained various chemical elements, including: Nicotine, Baridin, potassium, Nikotianin, Kolilidin, Edrogen, Carbon Oxides, Acid Prosik, Everything
is a dangerous poison. (1) CIGARETTE HISTORY
Tobacco comes from the American continent, until now not known exactly when the continent's population began to consume tobacco. About some of the archaeological excavations in the United States found ceramic smoking pipes that show in about 600 BC.
When Christopper Columbus with people from Spanish first arrived in Central America as an inventor of a new continent in 1492 AD, they are familiar with cigarettes, then after that menyebarlah cigarettes in continental Europe. (2) Some say that the sentence tobacco comes from the word "Tobago" which means the pipe tobacco in Indian languages, there is also a saying that "Tobago" is the name of an island in the Gulf of Mexico that it contained tobacco and then taken to Spain.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
The more we lose some confidence, it will be increasingly difficult to decide who best should we do to ourselves. Doubt it would be too difficult for us to actualize who we really are. It may be that we are supposed to be better than now, remained in the same position. Not move forward.
Belle is the one that emanated from the confidence we have built. Perhaps our physical circumstances semolek not celebrities, but we are good at utilizing the advantages that we have to prevent people from looking at our shortcomings, but only to see the advantages we have. We are so confident with whatever we have. Does A Beauty
Being beautiful, who does not want ... every girl wants her perfect beauty gift given from God, beautiful and concern to many people, famous and proud of himself. Being beautiful is always measured with outward beauty alone? Each person has a different answer and it's back on the extent to which people are assessing the meaning of a beauty.
Most often we now hear his Inner beauty is beauty that comes from within. It is clear that beauty does not only look as beautiful as what we face, what our bodies as beautiful, but beauty from the inside to boost the worst side we have.
Lulu Dewayanti, Indonesia could become popular moldel a good benchmark. His face was not very pretty, but strong self-confidence has made a very interesting personality. He was successful in the model rather than by relying on a pretty face but he's trying to accomplish with confidence.
If we do not feel Beautiful
Comparing ourselves with supermodel .. wah so far away, .. they look very pretty in any atmosphere but we are .. why do we always feel ugly compared to other people ... change your view of it in ourselves because no one ugly creature God created. . all beautiful, it depends on where we looked at, OK from the outer corner of the supermodel is a beautiful creature but far dilubuk deepest hearts we are the most cantik.Bentuklah beauty something with what you want, even if it's true you do not feel beautiful but you make yourself beautiful harmony by always being in mempadu-match fashion, you set yourself as possible and be a nice guy for every environment that you attended.
Changing views on the meaning of true beauty
Do not judge the beauty of the outward beauty of the course, change your views about the meaning of your beauty, beauty can not be judged by only one point of view but from a different aspect to each other mutual support, beauty is a combination of outward and inner beauty, outer beauty without inner beauty will taste bland but inner beauty will radiate outward beauty. Outward beauty will taste bland if not diseimbangi by inner beauty.
Thankful that you have
Gratitude all the gifts that God has given to you will make yourself always feel happy in every day, you become a man who never complained about a thing, kamu selalu can put themselves serving you in real, you value yourself alone with any form of deficiency and excess you, thank you and you will always feel happy, happiness that you feel will shine on you everyday attitude, you become cheerful and always smiling, the beauty that you desire you will get.
How happy if we can menyuskuri anyone ourselves. We will avoid the feelings of envy, jealousy, low self-esteem, and depressed. We will love ourselves, with whatever conditions we have.
Desi-Fitr, a singer who has a deficiency in his limbs, so appear confident with the excess in her voice. Her voice is melodious used to make it more interesting. Forget the shortcomings we have, because no one is perfect.
Inner beauty
Many people say inner beauty (inner beauty) are very difficult to have but that's an absolute beauty must-have every person, outward beauty will easily have much less advanced in this century, people who can flat-nosed sharp-nosed, black people can be white, all be possible to be beautiful outwardly but why it would be difficult to achieve inner beauty? .. to achieve the absolute beauty of this required an awareness that inner beauty is most important to have. And to achieve inner beauty is a process that requires hard if not counterbalanced by the self belief that that is a must-have.
Outward beauty is not eternal
So-so now you feel proud with the outward beauty that you have but remember that beauty is only for a moment you have, nothing is eternal in this life other than inner beauty. Over time will diminish the beauty of us, slowly but it was inevitable, but whether it is inner beauty will disappear over time? Not even will grow beautifully if you continue mengembangbiakannya and maintain it. Proverb says Tiger blemish dead leaves, dead leaves Elephant tusks, this means that humans left behind in this life is good.
One thing we must not forget. "STAY SELF CONFIDENCE ALTHOUGH ANYONE YOU"
Beautiful without confidence, it will be bland. Confident though not beautiful, it will be interesting.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Smart and intelligent is not enough to guarantee someone's success. There are other values that need to be held firm. This is what gave birth to the fact that many people tend to misuse high berintelejensia prowess if not supported by other intelligence factors.
In a class of human population there are a group of people with a small percentage of suffering, experiencing mental illness or isolated. This group may not "understand" what is right and wrong.
In this respect the values and philosophy played a role. Our assessment becomes the basis for trust and determine action. Philosophy is a way for us to determine the value. Intelligent philosophy is a desire to understand people, objects, and the world through a series of words to describe how they work, thus providing an emotional security in forecasting the future. Man with the philosophy of relying on logic in making decisions, and estimates the price of something against the "code" essential or set guidelines that causes tension. Humans with this view rely on the awareness of competition, sometimes in separate social authority. In the hypothesis of this study found that there is something more fundamental than the ability of emotional intelligence. It looks sort of moral compass. This is the heart of business success that run long. "Something more" is called moral intelligence (moral intelligence.)
Moral intelligence is not only crucial to effective leadership, but also a "central intelligence" for all mankind. Why? Because moral intelligence is directly underlie human intelligence to do something useful. Moral Intelligence gives human life has a purpose. Without moral intelligence, we can not do anything and the events that become the experience so it is not meaningful. Without moral intelligence we will not know why the work we do? And what should be done?
Born Moral
A leader is best to think "we", not "me." A simple thing, where people who have good moral character which is inborn. They follow a moral compass despite the temptation. They choose which right from wrong. Good people and good leaders is part of moral values. they believe in the honesty and responsibility for oneself and others. They also grieve for the suffering of others and know how to forgive as the importance of her own.
To have moral tolerance, we first need the ability to see the world through the eyes of others. Many psychologists believe that the initial indication is empathy. Since the age of two years, we began to show cracks of justice, responsibility, and feel guilty.
We've all heard the children three or four turns responding to reality or the imagination of justice with an empathy, "That's not fair!". Many of us started at an early age to do something that we know will upset other people. Do the negative is an important part of learning has a moral. if we do not do something bad, it will be difficult for us to understand the difference between right and wrong behavior. Think about the last time that you can remember when you make a mistake.
Scientists studying the relationship between brain function and behavior begin to chart "moral anatomy" of the brain. They studied how the brain gives the impact on moral behavior. Most of us know what is right, sometimes struggling to do what we know to be true - when we lack the moral competence to act in harmony with moral guidance.
Researchers have found that our brains make a difference. When neuroscience compared with the behavior of two teenagers who suffer brain injuries, they found a sharp difference in the capacity of their wounds.
If it is true that we have a relationship to follow the Golden Rule, then how can we explain all the violence? We can try to write crime and violence as a natural mutation of normal human nature. Most of us, however, realize that there is a dark side within us.
By balancing the rate of competition and set the dark side of ourselves is the subject of moral intelligence. Choosing between competing desires is the subject of morality. There is no morality without choice. Making a decision between the rate of competition requires us to make moral choices. This is a moral intelligence, the ability to balance the pace of competition, which make us as truly human.
Psychologist Martin Seligman and his colleagues in the scope of "positive psychology" have the research that led to the six identified "common values" in all cultures in the world: hope, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Despite the label change and a strong attitude that neglect the possibility of each culture to explain the principles that are different, the underlying moral sense, is always the same.
We believe in the existence of general principles, although we know the general principles are not spread as a whole. We believe that we are in harmony with these principles is very important for the struggle of the individual, organization and success.
Moral Guidance
As we saw earlier that from birth we have had a "talent" immoral. But talent alone is not enough. Stability among the talents, abilities, and action is of support towards the achievement of objectives. This is called the "harmony of life."
Reaching the harmony of life may sometimes be difficult, but it did not impose us to perform superhuman acts. Only the necessary steps that are consistent from day to day, what should we do, what we need to reach their goals. harmony of life is also not an accident. Alignment of life is needed in doing something on purpose and for a purpose. How to start?
Alignment of life has two processes. The first process, build models of your personal views: - moral "what you value, and what the most important thing that you trust? - The purpose of" what you want to improve your personality and your professionalism? - The behavior of "what action will you do to reach your goal?
Furthermore, after building a model personal harmony and know what is appropriate in the "frame" her own, do your best to improve harmony between moral frames.
Unlike a general principle, which was sent to each person, the value (value) is the individual. There is a special reason to identify important values held. Values help people to selective on how to spend precious time. While values can help tell right from wrong, values also help people to decide the right thing by guided choices. To make the right decision, to consider important choices of personal values such as health, personal growth, adventure, and family.
Same with every part of effective leadership, good decision-making to explain about your personal values. Sometimes we do not accurately assess what we say and what we do. If every time you get yourself not consistent with the values, you have a choice. You can learn to harmony better behavior with your values, develop moral and emotional competence or you simply accept that you judge something you feel is not important to you. This is no problem as long as your actions are not contrary to general principles.
Any effective leader has a crystal ball clear objectives. The objective is very important for an effective leader because the purpose of moving beyond what is conscious or good intentions of specific actions. Effective leaders accept responsibility as a way of achieving goals. Effective leaders have a goal so they pay attention. They are also encouraging their followers to build personality and achieve goals. One of the tools terhandal motivator of good leaders is to show concern for what is desired and the purpose of which is owned by the people who worked with him.
Behavior put "live" in the "life line". Habit of showing what to do, including thoughts, emotions, and actions taken. The habit is something that inspires people to follow the leader. Humans will not know you as a moral leader unless you talk about your life goals and act in harmony.
Moral Intelligence is part of the human being to sharpen the human moral compass and make sure that the objectives are consistent with moral guidance. Moral competence is the ability to act on our moral principles. Emotional competence is the ability to manage our emotions and other people in situations of moral demands. Without moral intelligence there is no training that will lead us to moral leadership, also called the brain injured child. No matter how hard their parents try to fill the positive values, they actually lack the basic neurologika, a tool to distinguish between right and wrong.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Labels: 4you
Thursday, December 23, 2010
True Love and True Friend
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
This is because the most beautiful thing in the world NOT visible.
We're all a little weird ... and life itself is also somewhat strange ...
And when we find someone who is in line with our uniqueness.
We join him and fall into a similar oddity called LOVE.
There are things - things that do not want us to remove ...
People - people who do not want us to leave ...
But remember ... NOT release the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life.
Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried.
Since it is they who can appreciate how important the people who have touched their lives.
Which SUPREME LOVE is ...
Is when you shed tears and STILL cares ..
It is when he does not mempedulikanmu and you STILL waiting faithfully.
Is when he began to love others and you STILL can smile and say 'I'm so happy for you' If love does not work ... Free yourself ...
Let your heart spread its wings and flew back to the wild MORE ...
Remember ... that you may find love and lose it ...
But, when love is dead ... You do NOT need to die with him ...
NOT the strongest people who always win, BUT they are still tough when they fall.
Somehow in the course of life, you learn about yourself and realize that regret is not supposed to be there.
It is only the eternal reward on choice - choice of life you've created.
Understand when you say 'I forgot'
Wait forever when you say 'Wait a minute'
Stay when you say 'Leave me alone'
Opening the door even though you have NOT knocked and said, 'Can I come in? "
LOVE ...
Is NOT how you forget, but how you forgive.
Is NOT how you listen but how you understand.
Is NOT what you see, but what you feel.
More dangerous shed tears in the liver, compared wept - tears.
Tears were coming out can be removed, while the hidden tears carve wounds that will never disappear.
In matters of love, we are VERY RARE win.
But when it SINCERELY LOVE, though losing, you STILL WIN happy just because you can love someone MORE than you love yourself.
There comes a time where you have to stop loving someone. NOT because the person stopped loving us but because we realize that people would be happier if we let go.
If you really - really love someone, do not remove him.
Do not believe that releasing ALWAYS mean you really - really love BUT ... Fight for your love.
Better to wait for the person whom you want THAN walk with people 'not available'.
Better to wait for someone you love THAN those who are around you.
Better to wait for the right person because life is too short to be disposed of only by 'someone'.
Sometimes, those you love MOST is the person who hurt you and sometimes, friends who brought you into his arms and cry with the love that you do not realize.
And now find U'r Love ... ... ...
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010
10 Tips for Finding and Keeping Love Relationships
10 Tips for Finding and Keeping Love Relationships
1. Do not fall in love with someone who is very potential. Too many men and women who have a friend or stay in a relationship with the expectation that others will change.
Be honest and be yourself and ask: "Can I love this person with the actual way in which they are now without hope for change?" if not, find another.
2. Do not worry about lust. In the sense that in a hurry, people having sex would create a false intimacy, which will lead to disappointment.
Take time to create a genuine emotional connection and let the passionate sexual relationship grow.
3. Do not ignore the desperation to have a relationship. For example, if he makes a statement like "I do not perform properly commitment," Trust him.
Ask yourself, "Is this person emotionally and situsioanal willing?" (People tend to spend time to his hobby and then a new partner).
4. Do not assume your friends are "physically" knowing what you want and need.
Responsible to express your feelings and need each other. This will avoid conflict and emotional connections in between you.
5. Accept your partner is. When the couple entered the honeymoon phase, they often feel satisfied with each other.
Continue to do romantic things with one another in every relationship, not only in the early stages. For example, make a "date night" once a week.
6. Be empathetic to your partner. Set aside some time to your plan and see your partner to understand his thinking. Acknowledge and validate your partner's feelings does not mean you have to agree with them. If this does not mean you have to give up on your own needs. Often times, the feeling of understanding will mean more to your partner than to be right or win the battle.
7. Focus on what you like about your partner and what they are doing right, rather than about their mistakes.
8. Your lover back. People who love you back. You will not be involved with someone who will love you.
9. You do not feel you are walking on eggshells. If you have a strong feeling in your stomach, it is not love, but you try to get approval.
10. A healthy relationship will enhance self-esteem.
To obtain a harmonious relationship, each partner needs to expose themselves. Healthy relationships happen when both partners feel safe to express themselves actually against each other.
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Reasons They Using Google
Reasons They Using Google
Google is a search engine that includes the most used on the internet, a variety of reasons they chose Google, let's look together.
Focus For Search Engines
Google's such a focus on the type of search services in addition to its superior information as a commodity other efforts that enrich the main service.
Google Popularity
Google as a search engine, has a name that is quite popular in the eyes of Internet users in the world, so this machine has been named by Internet users as a major search engine to perform various types of searches.
Since its launch in 2001, the search engine this one is the most widely used netter. In the matter of access and popularity, Google still meduduki ranked first in the web.
Speed and Ease
The speed and ease with which Google offered only a three-step process (call, type, and see the results) - is one of the advantages of Google. Google is also very good in search of technical problems and the hobby of an activity. Similarly, in the search image and the actual news.
Because Google provides relevant search results-most first and fast! A large amount of information on the Internet requires a search service that is perfect for managing the information so accessible and useful. Without supplies a very powerful search, looking for a particular website is very difficult, not to say impossible.
Regularity on the Internet
Google is designed to create order in the chaos of information. This is a search service should be; not a directory, edited, or restricted or a list of results already obtained from the search of the most widely, but a method of organizing the Internet based on the structure itself.
Looking for More than 1 million URLs
Google's index, which consists of over 1 million URLs, is the first of its kind and represents a comprehensive collection of web pages are useful on the Internet.
Google linked to more than 8 billion web pages. So many pages are indexed, so we like are faced with a very complete library.
Results Search Words
Unlike other search engines, Google only produces results that match all the words you enter, be it in the text of a page or in the links that go to that page. No more frustration with the results that have nothing to do with the words you seek.
Proximity Search Words
Google search results not only contain all the words you are looking for, but Google also analyzes the proximity of those words within a page. Unlike other search engines, Google prioritizes results according to the proximity of the search words. Google prioritizes results close to the words that you are looking for, so you need a little time to manage the irrelevant results.
Preview for All Results
Avoiding web page summaries that never change, Google absorbing text that match your query in the search results. This feature saves time and frustration in loading web pages that are not relevant.
Make You Feel Lucky!
Google looks quite careful in providing the most accurate results for common queries such as company names. They were confident, even, they install the "I'm Feeling Lucky ™", which takes you directly to the website of the first search result. Google "I'm Feeling Lucky ™" is designed to take you to the information quickly.
Web Page Cache
Another plus, is a pioneer of search engine Google has cached. With the existence of this cache, the searcher can save search time, because search results will be displayed on the pages you saved previously.
Google stores many web pages in its cache to be taken to you as a back-up in case the page server temporarily fails. Looking at the cached material is often faster than usual following a link, although the information that you may lack up-to-date.
Use of Facilities and Competition
For those of you who are used to using one search engine, generally use almost the same as each other, as well as the facilities available, can be a feature not available in one place but are available elsewhere, let alone see the phenomenon of search engine providers are inter- competing with each other woods.
Looking at recent developments, their rivalry is good news for us, because their services would be more complete from day to day.
Posted by
miss day
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Who's Afraid of the Working Without Office
Probably never imagined by the majority of our parents that on this day & likely in the future that the work is not identical with the office. In doeloe tempo, working in an office might very prestigious and become an elite class of its own on the generation grandparent, aunt, uncle and our parents. If we work alone, at home - could well be bothered dealing with in-laws & parents. On the stamp is worthless, unused etc ... Unfortunately, on this day, the parents seem to have to bite the finger & accept the fact that it is more and more and more prestigious jobs that do not have a job eh office. Why? Because in the end that the demands of a professional rather than the attendance of his office but the target / outcome / achievement of objective. Unless the government institution, attendance still seems to be a paradigm of work - well bertugaslah congratulations to fellow civil servants.
Maybe because I was in the world of the Internet, on many occasions I met many professionals with high mobility, even if the office has often left his office - even very normal for her work done at home or while chatting and drinking coffee in the café together with partners- him. Leisure, hobbies, freedom and doing what they love is very dominant in the professional self. It is not strange if we look at these professional friends as if not tied to a fixed office. Jobs & service contract that relies on the professionalism and expertise that is very specific to be very dominant among the professionals. Apparently, that specific expertise & preferences become a mainstay of the professionals who typically are young between the ages of 27-40 years.
Income not in question ... at least Rp. 50-10 million is a gross monthly income of the worst among these professionals. Obviously much better than fresh graduates generally Rp. 750,000 / month. It's still a few professionals who work really free & highly mobile like this, but the trend in that direction is very prominent, especially in younger counterparts around the age of 30. Being the best is the desire in an atmosphere of healthy competition. Recognition is done directly by the community, not even a remarkable thing if exposed by the mass media - because they are the best without a mechanism of pure competition and fight corruption.
Laptops, palmtops, personal digital assistance (PDA), mobile phones become a very common equipment for these professionals. Well at least access to WARNET supported by mobile phone is the typical young fellow. Intense communication is characteristic of these professionals, e-mail traffic on various mailing lists that are interspersed by many news SMS milling about on-screen phones become an integral part of their lives. Even most of the files work too much in the send as an attachment in an e-mail. It is sometimes partly laughter among them, but that's part of the intimacy of life in a world without borders that many enjoy, especially by young professionals and student / student.
On a more serious level, do not be surprised if on the train, airport waiting rooms, airplanes look cool professionals to Nokia 9230 or typewriter keyboard work online at the PDA / palmtop Jornada was associated with a PCMCIA modem with built-in plane handphone.
Unified messaging between SMS, e-mail, FAX to trigger technology, unified messaging technology has been deeply felt today - the integration between the SMS message to the e-mail to a FAX can be interlinked and very helpful for mobile executives and professionals to bermanouver in the world of information .
Well that's their office, that's what their work style, lifestyle most young professionals who are very mobile today. Not impossible amount they will more and more in the future. Equipment investment of U.S. $ 400-1000 to be too minimal justified by their gross income between U.S. $ 500-1000 / month.
When will you be able to do this? Obviously not when you have a laptop, palmtop or HP - it will happen by itself when you have very specific skills and expertise that is recognized the professionalism of his community. Generally my former students are able to achieve these stages within 2-4 years, if properly nurtured and well at the school in college & high school.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
5 Ways to Write Powerful Articles in order to attract to Read Blog
Writing an article on the Blog is the work tricky. To successfully write an article on the blog, how and techniques required to write an article that is able to attract visitors to read your article posts. Not only that, with an interesting article, your visitors will be addicted to visiting your blog to get updated information that you will serve. For that, there are some things you should consider in writing an article for interesting reading:
1. The title is interesting. Create the title of an interesting article on every post you. The title of the article is to determine interest in reading a person to read your information thoroughly. You can use the language "well" or bombast to attract readers.
2. Informative and useful. The contents of the article to be informative and useful to readers. By reading your article, the reader will feel acquire new knowledge mebaca finished your article.
3. The length of the article and the number of words. Normal length of the article between 300-500 words depending on the information you are presenting.
4. Thema. Consider a unity theme of your article. Good articles are articles that have one-unity theme intact. That is, there is a close relationship Atar each paragraph of your article.
5. Good Sentence. One again, note the syntax. One of the letters or words even though it seems trivial but it has great influence in the comfort of reading. So try to re-checking of grammar sentences before and terpublish your article posted on the internet.
If some of you still regard the work to write articles that work hard, you can hire an article writer to accommodate the needs of your blog articles. Author of professional articles will help you provide quality SEO articles on the topic to your liking.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Stupid and Smart
There's something interesting, when discussing with them-they are business people in the Marketing Leadership Club, about the stupid and smart people. Roughly you include the category where you? Let us examine some of these mild statement:
A fool is difficult to work, finally dibisnis. For business success, of course he should hire smart people. As a result boss smart people are fools.
People often make stupid mistakes, then he recruit smart people who never wrong to correct the wrong. As a result ordered fool smart people for fools.
Smart people learn to get a diploma to get further work. A fool to think quickly get money to pay for the proposals smart people.
A fool can not make a speech text, then told people to make them smart.
Stupid people think is hard to pass the law school (SH) therefore ordered fool smart people to make laws for fools.
A fool is usually good at selling cuap cuap-talk, while the smart people believe. But later regret for having smart people believe stupid people. But still when it is on a fool.
A fool to think short to decide something in the long-term thinking by smart people, smart people to be a result of staff fools.
When business people stupid sluggish, he laid off the people who work smart. But smart people DEMO, a result smart people wailing "to fool people in order to stay given the job.
But when business people stupid forward, clever people will spend time to work hard with good hearts, while the fool to spend the time to have fun with his family.
Eyes of a fool is always looking for what could be made in money. Eyes smart people are always looking for column job vacancies.
Bill gate (Microsoft), Dell, Hendri (Ford), Thomas Edison, Tommy Suharto, Liem Siu Liong (BCA group). Are people stupid (never to S1) the rich. Thousands of smart people working for them. And tens of thousands of families lives depend on those smart people stupid.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Eating Seafood That's Healthy
Who does not know Fast Food. Food "Fast Food" is already familiar in our ears and tongue. Especially for those who are super busy, the food is the one who accompanied the sidelines of the job activity. But behind the delicious, fast food store a myriad of negative effects for health. But you need not worry, there are a few tips for fast food that we eat nutritious healthy. Want to know?
Although the food tantalizing and tempting fast food, fast food is often keeps the body to be stretched. Weight loss so fat and diseases came. The following tips deal with fast food that is safe and healthy:
1. Eliminate salt.When ordered, ask to reduce the salt to be sprinkled on fast food at the waitress, and preferably not at all sprinkled with salt. Especially on a sandwich, although not fried, the meat content contained in it has a fairly high salt content of the course can damage heart health. Also on french fries that contain salt and oil are quite high so that it can interfere with cardiac performance.
2. Select Rice RedHowever brown rice which is made from brown rice lebh healthful than common white rice we consume far. And fast food restaurants are now many who provide them. Well, if any, should choose brown rice instead of white rice. However brown rice has a fiber is much higher. Not just filling, brown rice also can lower cholesterol in the blood. Fat contained in brown rice is a very good essential fats for brain development. Even the content of iron, vitamins, and minerals are superior to white rice and contains tiamini which serves to maintain the body's metabolism.
3. Expand Vegetables Serves.Burgers and sandwiches are the choice of fast food is the favorite. To be more healthy, ask for no cheese, salad dressings, or mayonnaise. When there, ask for fish and chicken burgers because it has a lower calorie content than meat. Ask add lettuce, cucumber, and tomato in a burger or sandwich layer is. And as a complement to the sauce, mustard and olive oil is perfect as a healthy choice.
5. Healthy DrinksA professor of nutrition at the University of California, namely Judith Stern, ScD, RD, concluded that in every drink consumed, on average contain sugar levels, both on soda, capuccinno, as well as fruit juice. And we know that sugar can increase the calories in the body and reduce absorption of nutrients from food. In a medium soda can-sized bottle contains 425 calories. For that, choose pure fruit juice without sugar, or mineral water. Or sometimes you can order a cup of tea without sugar is quite good for the heart, to fight cancer, and strengthen bones.
6. Let's ShareTo minimize the entry of substances that are not healthy at fast food meal, you should order smaller portions or portions of children. Or you can also share your own by not eating it. You can invite friends or friends of your friends work together to eat together. So, when the normal rate of 7-ounce cheeseburger contains 606 calories and 29 grams of fat, if you eat three of them, you eat smaller portions of course. Indeed, sharing is healthy. And as a cover, to replace the chocolate pudding and ice cream, you can choose more healthful yogurt that of course .***
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Relationship Between Depression With Heart Disease
For those patients with coronary heart disease, maybe now you should be careful in maintaining the level of your depression. Why? Because depression and heart disease turned out to have a close relationship in the problem of "killing". The combination of the two "friends" is, when experienced by someone while at the same time, making the patient has the risk of death four times higher than if it only has one just like depression or heart disease alone.
A study of British Whitehall II study has been conducted in England and France in this matter. No half-hearted, six thousand patients took part in this study for several years. As a result, patients with heart disease are at risk of death up to 67%. And if the patient also suffered depression simultaneously, the percentage is increasing the risk of death.
Then, how can these risks be minimized? Amy Thompson, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation said that regular exercise and eating healthy foods and not excessive in eating the food, can help you in avoiding this risk. And for depression does not come to you, turns out to practice their religion regularly and regularly every day and close to God, is a potent drug in preventing the emergence of depression. *** ...
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Papaya fruit, nutritional content of astonishing!
You know papaya? Sure have and often eat it. Fortunately for you because of the benefits contained in the papaw really is complete. In addition, starting from seeds, leaves, stems until the roots are also very bermanafaat as a drug.
It is known to begin in 1992, a research organization called The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) in Washington the U.S. has conducted research on the health benefits that terdapa than 40 kinds of fruit. The assessment is based on the benefits of the substance contained in it which consists of nine types of vitamins, potassium and fiber food. Substance contained in each fruit should be sufficient against the recommended number of nutrient adequacy (RDA).
The results of these assessments concluded that the papaya is the most healthful fruits among the few fruits that were studied, followed by cantaloupe, strawberry, orange, and tangerine. CSPI research results is certainly very surprising. Because, in addition to highly nutritious and very healthy, papaya is also easily available, cheap and tasty. Plus because this variety is always available throughout the year without any specific season.
Consider the contents contained in a ripe papaya. Betacryptoxanthin (761 mikrogram/100 g), beta-carotene (276 mikrogram/100 g), and lutein and zeaxanthin (75 mikrogram/100 g). As we all know that beta-carotene is a provitamin A as well as a powerful antioxidant in warding off free radicals that attack happened. Vitamin A is at 100 g of ripe papaya fruit contains a range between 1094-18250 SI, varies according to each varieties. While betacryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein to act more as an antioxidant in preventing the emergence of cancer and other degenerative diseases.
In addition, vitamin A, other vitamain also contained in it is vitamin C (62-78 mg/100 g) and folate (38 mikrogram/100 g). Levels of fiber per 100 grams 1.8 grams of ripe fruit. Well, papaya fibers are very suitable in dealing with difficult defecation (BAB) and prevent constipation. And you need to know, one slice of papaya for three knuckles adults only or 140 grams is enough to satisfy the contribution of vitamin C as much as 150 percent of the nutritional adequacy of the recommended daily allowance (RDA), as well as meet the fiber content as much as 10 percent of the RDA.
In terms of mineral content, ripe papaya fruit contains potassium (257 mg/100 g) and very little sodium (3 mg/100 g). And because the ratio of potassium to sodium is very high papaya fruit is what causes the papaya is very potent in preventing hypertension.
Besides potassium, other minerals contained in them are iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Another advantage that distinguishes papaya fruit from other fruits that are low fat, no cholesterol at all and of course low in sodium.
Stems, leaves, seeds, and roots, Everything Helpful In addition to fruit, other parts of the papaya plant also is useful. Starting from the root for instance, can cure kidney stone disease and urinary tract diseases. While papaya seeds can be used as a drug exterminator pinworms in children.
For those of you who like to cook, this is you need to know that papaya latex can be used to make you want to cook meat becomes tender. The sap from the sap that can exist in the stems, leaves, or young papaya fruit. The sap is a source of enzyme papain. This enzyme is a proteolytic enzyme (protein-breaking) that serves as pengempuk meat (meat tenderizer), which can break down the fibers of the tough meat becomes tender.
For industry, papain substance also used in cosmetic industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile and leather industry (as a tanner), as well as cleaning wastes.
Young papaya leaves can be processed into delicacies such as knapsack, ointment, or vegetable stew. You are lucky because even eat bitter taste, young papaya leaves contain potent alkaloids that lowering blood pressure, as a malaria drug, lowering fever and killer amoeba. ***
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ethics Writing Emails
You like to write an email? It's noteworthy that the way you write an email to reflect the variety of things. Can the level of stress you experience, the atmosphere of your workplace, your work style, personality and even your most deeply. An email that we usually send a small form of the things that exist in ourselves and our environment. Email can be used for good things but email can be misused in the wrong way. In order not to get caught, 10 basic tips on using a good email below might help:
1. Get used to using good language. Avoid is in the use of words that does not irregular, either cliches or words of the sentence immediately. Or the right words but wrong when typing it so it looks as if your language is bad.
2. Get used to write an email with a short. Try writing an email to the point. Write very long emails in addition to fatigue, are also people who read it become lazy, so often ignored, or just read the next day or even on-delete.
3. Learning to write an email with honesty. Your honesty of things you wrote in an email can be read through writing your own people. Make no mistake, a lie can be seen from a series of words written. Therefore, from now on, learn to write emails with honest and candid. After all, if we are honest, heart so happy, calm the mind and life was so mild.
4. Use email only when needed. As we all know that communicating via email in addition to faster, easier, and can be stored for re-examined. Email strength so great and super fast. Email unable to send a message to the world in just one click a matter of seconds. However, you do not get too deify email. Moreover if you are less skilled in writing what you mean by the words in the email. Wrong is wrong, email that you go to your boss's boss actually makes perception beyond what you expect. So, there are times when you talk to the boss or anyone else via email inappropriate. Precisely pantasnya directly. You can not deliver all things to all people through just one door that is email. In certain cases, direct speech is more worthy than by email because email, of course you do not feel people's presence.
5. Set certain times to answer emails Indeed, not all of us who have time to read the email. If this happens to you, try to make a written schedule for answering emails coming into your inbox.
6. 5 minutes to receive and reply to emails. To reply to email, no need to linger. This will hurt your own. 5 minutes is sufficient and fair in answering emails. Similarly for the time writing it. Do not write email when you're poor concentration or being angry. This could affect the sentences that you would write later. Relieve your anger first. If you are Muslim, try to perform ablutions beforehand. Prayer and reading the cool water after washing will make your heart go cold.
7. Complete and clear sentences. Express your desire is completely and clearly. When you think is enough, do not plus-plus again. This will make your email content so it looks ugly and convoluted.
8. Do not let uneg-uneg and resentment by email. Anyone who would never angry or upset. But do occasionally frustration that you lampiaskan via email. Or let's say it's not resentment, just "vent" to a friend. That's the same. Vent but in order to release the anger and resentment will not impact either, that just makes people more and know your personal qualities.
9. Open to anyone If you are a boss or a manager at the company where you work, make use of email as a means for your subordinates. This will benefit you. Positive perception of the person you will be reflected by so open to anyone and you want to receive emails from anyone. This is important, because many of the bosses that her email does not apply to their subordinates. Even if there is incoming mail, but that of a subordinate, would rarely returned and often ignored. Therefore it would not hurt you to show to everyone that you are always open to them.
10. Reduce joke by email In between we would never send email that contains a mild joke or a joke to our friends. This is good, for the atmosphere more fresh and not monotonous. But, if too often, it could have a negative impact for us. Other people will judge us. We would be like to waste work time and not serious in work. In fact there are several companies that prohibit their employees via e-mail joke because it can interfere with work time. Therefore, the joke via email is not wrong, but not its frequency.
Similarly, 10 tips to write an email ethics. Hopefully useful and safe working again .***
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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