Teachers also can Crying
Back recall memories that have been passed in the event some time ago. Back memories recalled in the mind of a girl that night was to see the sheet images in his computer screen. Not rare smile on his face revealing review. Occasionally he wiped his tears falling into her cheek. Do not know what he was thinking in his mind when he saw the sheet of Porto-photo earlier. Diaz, she's suddenly talking to the wind in his room empty, ".. hhh .. I've no grade 9 is fixed, yes .. But it was just yesterday I was in Grade 7," Diaz back smiling. He again went on to open a file by file photographs earlier. Makes it even more smiles. Soon, he switched to the mozilla firefox icon. Opening e-mails. However, his expression changed fictitious. "Hhhh .." Diaz breathed their lackluster, "There is no reply until now .." Finally, Diaz to sign-out e-mails, and eventually turn off his computer.
Diaz lay down on the bed. He has lit a light sleep. Diaz closed her eyes. Soon his eyes yang'tajam 'it open and glanced at the clock in her room "Udah at 11, tumben really not sleepy .." The girl finally tried to close his eyes and tried to sleep. . Failed. He opened his eyes. Staring at the ceiling of her room. Actually there was no object to focus Diaz. But, Diaz just shut up and let his eyes fixed stare. Diaz still could not switch views. However, that night his mind 'works' like a player who was playing short film pieces. Diaz's eyes open and fixed on one object. However, his view seemed so far away. As far as old memories that happen. However, it seems it is not disturbing memories Diaz. He just let the old memories that walking, spinning, flowing, recalling the climax of a drama that he went through with all the characters that play a role. Drama about himself, his friends, his teacher, which leaves only a memory recall.
Sunny morning that, despite the morning sun shone brightly, but it was so cool morning air. Just as children's feelings SMP YPK a joyous. They set foot back to school after vacation semester 1. That was the beginning of a day. Day preceding a meeting again. Beginning of semester 1. It appears all the children's faces so bright. It was nice to meet again with friends, after a vacation semester. Everything looks from the faces of the children 8G. All joking laughter. Releasing miss. And began to tell each other's experiences during the holidays.
Learning mengajarpun begins. Everything took place in the class fun and splashy 8G. Insanity clan cohesiveness they have never made the class was silent. Until arriving in time learning English, all students 8G amazed to see the woman that goes into their classrooms. Diaz and his friends can only be silent. As he whispered to a friend bench beside him, "Who's that? Miss Desy where?" Tanya Diaz. Friends who questioned can only shrug. Soon, she answered all questions that might be 'stuck' in his ear, when the kids whisper. "Hay, class! Good morning!" he said with a smile. "Today, I will from be your substitute teacher Bahasa WHO teach you all before. Okay, let me Introduce my self. My .." The new teacher has not introduced himself to children 8G, one boy asked loudly "What? Miss Desy where?" said the boy. "I do not know, where did your old teacher." replied the woman is still by putting a smile. The children's class the teacher just let the chattering introduced himself, with no response. "My name is Rina. I am 29 years old. I am ..." The new teacher introduced herself to the class and then only in regard wind just for the kids who do not care 8G. On the same side Diaz turned, facing his friend who sat in the back, "Miss Desy where, anyway? Feelings Miss Desy never talk to us if want to change places teach. Pas class meetings we also Miss Desy still there, right?" Diaz asked in surprise. And after the new teacher had introduced myself, he immediately gave the task without explaining it first. "What Mom? Ngerjain all this? There was no explanation first lesson?" asked Rika, who suddenly arrives ¬ widened when she saw how much a given task. New teacher just smiled. "Tu teacher wants what, anyway? New is also the first time we teach, as long as nyablak ngasi job this much? Uh? What's this? "A child that others commented as he opened the sheet page that task. All children 8G famous 'insolent', it can only grumble. Still, a few also who was irritated with the way new teachers are teaching them. Finally, they not a task that existed until the bell rang break.
That was the beginning of a day. Beginning a meeting. Meeting with friends. Meet with the teachers. But also, the beginning of a separation from my dear teacher. OSepulang school that day, Diaz immediately send an e-mail to Miss Desy. Fill in your e-mail that can be felt how Diaz feeling confused and wondering. How do you feel angry towards Miss Desy, because the teacher did not give the news to his departure. However, deep down, Diaz felt so lost that English teacher. Miss, why not give Miss Desy tau kalo ninggalin would miss us? Why Miss Desy actually surprise us with someone who suddenly comes and replaces the position of Miss? Diaz actually angry because Miss ninggalin us without us farewell. But, frankly, Diaz and friends are so shocked to see someone replace Miss Desy, and Miss Miss Desy Desy We also missed. We really miss Miss Desy .. Miss, current bnr2 kite tau, once the Miss Desy go, we Bru ngrasa, Miss Desy uda our sngat Syang., Till the fit we know Miss Desy nggok teach, and not in Bontang lagl uda, disappointment today we smua uda d skalh bner2 kliatan thirsty again .. dri there, we know, indeed we Syang bnget bhwa sma Miss Desy. Miss Desy emang our sring bkin mrah, tp bgitulah cara2 us, for bljr lbih fun. Tp, Miss Desy, still not understand it smua .. Miss Desy bnar2 patient. We just want to say one thing to Miss Desy, THANK YOU.
After that, the Diaz to click the send button, the message was immediately sent. Diaz did not care her face had tears. For him, why cover up the sadness that is if she is really sad and feel lost. Diaz's long breath. Sitting still lament the screen komputernya.Hari-day pass. English Lessons that teach remains of Miss Rina. For children 8G ¬ son was just a nightmare. However, the reality is actually only made the kids kelas'gila 'are disappointed. Miss Desy never returned to the PBM in SMP YPK has been running for 2 months. The new teacher can not be friendly. In contrast to the way Miss Desy. Lack of it all makes students 8G become indifferent to the teacher and the lesson. Until one day, one of the most noisy guy in 8G commented with great courage, when the teacher is explaining the material, "Miss, do not understand. How different kayak taught Miss Rina Miss Desy. We're so 'rada not disconnected the same material in jelasin Miss Rina, "complained Rica. Cash! After Rika talking like that, Miss Rina silence of the explanation earlier. He looked at the classroom door quietly. Soon, his hands moving. Wiping a drop of water on her cheek. Miss Rina cried. Diaz clan only one or two people are aware of the incident. Soon Miss Rina walked out of class. He was still wiping tears from his eyes. The kids in the class can only be silent, including Diaz. They were silent. Do not know what to dilakukakan. All silent. Berhambur Nothing out of the classroom as usual. 20 minutes later, the recess bell rang. Then all ran out of the classroom. It was all forgotten that had just occurred. With the exception of Diaz clan some friends who are still silent, the clan together shrugged, when at each other. As if they could read minds ada.Sepulang from school that afternoon Diaz also quickly check e-mails. With still wearing his blue-white uniform, his face that had seen sluggish, now seen a smile on his face. Predictably, Miss Desy has replied to an e-mail. Diaz moving the eyeballs. Do not know, why all of a sudden his chest looks cramped and she was crying.
... Hello Diaz. and the other 86 anak2 ..! Miss Desy benar2 miss you all .. Miss Desy Desy sorry kalo gk goodbye Miss you ma direct. Sebenarnyo, this decision was already there before you dlu semester exams. But, Miss Desy gk gk want to say because Miss you guys want to learn so the concentration of dispersed news gara2 Miss Desy want pergi.Selma exams and class meetings, Miss Desy always look in you from afar .. Miss Desy observe your behavior, because Miss Desy conscious, that's the last saat2 meet you guys .. Honestly, Miss Desy feel sad krna sma you have to be separate. Earlier, it has since decided that Miss Miss Desy Desy can gk vale directly with you when in class. Because actually, definitely Miss Desy crying shame is not it? Hehehe ... Miss can only pray that our meeting for a year more beneficial for all of you. Miss Desy aware that every meeting must be accompanied by separation. But, Miss Desy gk consider this a farewell. Miss'm sure, someday we'll see you lagi.Ucapan thank you guys already delivered, with lazy learning kaliangk Miss Desy sure you can. Who diligently yes, learning! Especially his Ingg bhs. Let me later we can e-mail2an pake bhs. Ingg.Oya, enjoyed his new teacher wrote first. Maybe because the first time teach, would you feel comfortable blm. Over time later also used. Think of it as a challenge. Do not get comfortable just gara2 gk teacher, you're learning jdgk sincere. Anyway English Idioms anak2 Diaz and other 86 must be great again. Okay! Diaz, greetings for all anak2 8Gg yes. Convey apology Miss Desy.I miss you guys a lot .. But, I'm sure. We will from meet again .. Someday in the future.You take care ... Regards ..
Diaz no longer able to survive so as not to cry. He slam his body into his bed. Mama Diaz could only see her eldest son was so sad, from the crack that door open. Perhaps because Diaz is too tired of school and cried, the girl finally fell asleep on a cloudy afternoon atmosphere. Diaz did not realize, it was the beginning of fixation and the end of Miss Desy reply to e-mail.
The next day, the schedule of English teaching is 8G class after the first break. 8G children still do not care. Until the moment the teacher enters the classroom, Miss Rina flat face. He just sat quietly at his desk. Children 8G puzzled look. Miss Rina suddenly took a deep breath. "The kids. Continue your job that yesterday," said Miss Rice. After that he was silent, the clan not long ago to leave the class. Diaz clan friends wonder. In the heart Diaz asked, "What Miss Rina angry because of problems yesterday?" English Lessons passed up to leave within 30 minutes before the second break. Miss Rina clan emerged from the door into it. Soon he arrived at his desk. She remained standing beside his seat. "I know, you can not accept the presence of a new teacher I am as you, as a substitute teacher you guys a long time. However, I keep trying to learn we can change the atmosphere was full of revolt during this and that. Full of expression comparisons between Miss My clan Desy. Full of disappointment you will lack I can not teach like Miss Desy. But ,..." Miss Rina suddenly fell silent. He shed tears. He was immediately swept her face. Diaz felt a chill to hear the teacher's voice quivered. "But, I myself was not given the opportunity to know Miss Desy before he finally left. Because if I am given the opportunity to know him, I would immediately ask, how to get your attention with affection a teacher? That's all I wanted to ask. And indeed, I myself proud with your teacher, because she is a teacher who managed to take the love you all. I can only apologize because I could not like Miss Desy. However, I will try to act like Miss Desy. Good Afternoon, guys! " Miss Rina leave class 15 minutes before the break, by giving a smile that looks so sincere as the cover of the sentence that he uttered. The children in the classroom that can only be silent.
Day after day he lived a little different when the lesson Miss Rina. Not surprisingly, they all must have realized what was really wrong. And, the error lies not in the teacher. However, in them all. They are too selfish clan can not be parting with the memories of a remarkable teacher. And now the boys have been realized.
Not felt, that night the clock in the room Diaz are shown at 23:58. Diaz began smiling to himself when he realizes the end of the story from the memories that. Shortly Diaz muttered, "HHH, if only Miss Rina do not care about us, he could not pass the value of English teaching one class 8G. But, he actually gives the best value. In fact, we've perasaaannya harmed," Diaz pause. "Now I want to meet him to thank him and apologize. Without the policies himself, maybe I can like now," Diaz was silent and finally closed his eyes. In silence, Diaz muttered to himself, "Miss Desy true. This all is a challenge. The challenge that ultimately provide a story and lesson. I really miss you, Miss .. hhhhh ..." Diaz was silent. Along with a second clock that moves, Diaz lost consciousness. He was asleep in the cool of the full moon illuminated the night.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011
Teachers also can Crying
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Labels: 4you
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Informatics and Computer Science
Informatics and Computer Science
Informatics is one branch of science that is wide enough for almost cover and associated with many things about life, where a collection of informatics disciplines include science as well as specific techniques that process data into information with optimally utilize information technology or computer.
In the Indonesian language, a term derived from French Informatics informatique, which in German is called Informatik. Actually, the word is synonymous with the term computer science in the United States and computing science in the UK.
In terms pendefenisian informatics, according to Philippe Dreyfus (1962) and l'Academie Francaise (1967) that defines informatics as follows:
Collection Disciplines (scientific discipline) and the Discipline of Engineering (engineering discipline) that are specifically related to the transformation / processing of the "Facts Symbolic" (data / information), which mainly use the facilities automatic machines / computers.
In the English language has a slightly different meaning, namely more emphasis on aspects of information processing in a systematic and rational.
When viewed as a whole from an understanding of informatics at the top, logic and systematic approach is a fairly dominant feature of Informatics, given the approach is key in terms of getting the solution in solving various problems.
In principle, this scholarship emphasizes how a data and information can be processed in such a by-assisted automated technology.
Computer Science
In general, Computer Science, better known by the name of Computer Science (Computer Science, CS) is the study of computing, both hardware (hardware) and software (software). Computer science includes a variety of topics related to computers, from the abstract analysis of algorithms to more concrete subjects like programming languages, software, and hardware. As a discipline, Computer Science is different from computer programming, software engineering and computer engineering, even if the third term is often misunderstood.
Church-Turing thesis states that all computing devices that have been commonly known is the same in such matters, what they can do, albeit with different efficiency. This thesis is sometimes regarded as pronsip basis of computer science. Computer science experts usually emphasize the von Neumann computers or Turing machines, because that most computers used today. Computer scientists also study other types of machines, some practical (like parallel and quantum) and some are quite theoretical (like random and Oracle).
Computer Science learn what can be done by the program, and what is not (computing and artificial intelligence), how the program should evaluate the outcome (algorithm), how the program should store and retrieve specific bits of information (data structures), and how the program and users to communicate (the user interface and programming language).
Computer science is rooted in electronics, mathematics and linguistics. In the last three decades of the 20th century, computer science has become a new discipline and has developed its own methods and terminology.
The first computer science department was founded at Purdue University in 1962. Almost all universities now have departments of computer science. The highest award in computer science is the Turing Award, the winner of this award are all pioneers in their fields.
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Labels: 4you
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Review of Scientific Intelligence and the Moral Brain
Smart and intelligent is not enough to guarantee someone's success. There are other values that need to be held firm. This is what gave birth to the fact that many people tend to misuse high berintelejensia prowess if not supported by other intelligence factors.
In a class of human population there are a group of people with a small percentage of suffering, experiencing mental illness or isolated. This group may not "understand" what is right and wrong.
In this respect the values and philosophy played a role. Our assessment becomes the basis for trust and determine action. Philosophy is a way for us to determine the value. Intelligent philosophy is a desire to understand people, objects, and the world through a series of words to describe how they work, thus providing an emotional security in forecasting the future.
Man with the philosophy of relying on logic in making decisions, and estimates the price of something against the "code" essential or set guidelines that causes tension. Humans with this view rely on the awareness of competition, sometimes in separate social authority. In the hypothesis of this study found that there is something more fundamental than the ability of emotional intelligence. It looks sort of moral compass. This is the heart of business success that run long. "Something more" is called moral intelligence (moral intelligence.)... Moral intelligence is not only crucial to effective leadership, but also a "central intelligence" for all mankind. Why? Because moral intelligence is directly underlie human intelligence to do something useful. Moral Intelligence gives human life has a purpose. Without moral intelligence, we can not do anything and the events that become the experience so it is not meaningful. Without moral intelligence we will not know why the work we do? And what should be done?
Born Moral
A leader is best to think "we", not "me." A simple thing, where people who have good moral character which is inborn. They follow a moral compass despite the temptation. They choose which right from wrong. Good people and good leaders is part of moral values. they believe in the honesty and responsibility for oneself and others. They also grieve for the suffering of others and know how to forgive as the importance of her own.
To have moral tolerance, we first need the ability to see the world through the eyes of others. Many psychologists believe that the initial indication is empathy. Since the age of two years, we began to show cracks of justice, responsibility, and feel guilty.
We've all heard the children three or four turns responding to reality or the imagination of justice with an empathy, "That's not fair!". Many of us started at an early age to do something that we know will upset other people. Do the negative is an important part of learning has a moral. if we do not do something bad, it will be difficult for us to understand the difference between right and wrong behavior. Think about the last time that you can remember when you make a mistake.
Scientists studying the relationship between brain function and behavior begin to chart "moral anatomy" of the brain. They studied how the brain gives the impact on moral behavior. Most of us know what is right, sometimes struggling to do what we know to be true - when we lack the moral competence to act in harmony with moral guidance.
Researchers have found that our brains make a difference. When neuroscience compared with the behavior of two teenagers who suffer brain injuries, they found a sharp difference in the capacity of their wounds.
If it is true that we have a relationship to follow the Golden Rule, then how can we explain all the violence? We can try to write crime and violence as a natural mutation of normal human nature. Most of us, however, realize that there is a dark side within us.
By balancing the rate of competition and set the dark side of ourselves is the subject of moral intelligence. Choosing between competing desires is the subject of morality. There is no morality without choice. Making a decision between the rate of competition requires us to make moral choices. This is a moral intelligence, the ability to balance the pace of competition, which make us as truly human.
Psychologist Martin Seligman and his colleagues in the scope of "positive psychology" have the research that led to the six identified "common values" in all cultures in the world: hope, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Despite the label change and a strong attitude that neglect the possibility of each culture to explain the principles that are different, the underlying moral sense, is always the same.
We believe in the existence of general principles, although we know the general principles are not spread as a whole. We believe that we are in harmony with these principles is very important for the struggle of the individual, organization and success.
Moral Guidance
As we saw earlier that from birth we have had a "talent" immoral. But talent alone is not enough. Stability among the talents, abilities, and action is of support towards the achievement of objectives. This is called the "harmony of life."
Reaching the harmony of life may sometimes be difficult, but it did not impose us to perform superhuman acts. Only the necessary steps that are consistent from day to day, what should we do, what we need to reach their goals. harmony of life is also not an accident. Alignment of life is needed in doing something on purpose and for a purpose. How to start?
Alignment of life has two processes. The first process, build models of your personal views: - moral "what you value, and what the most important thing that you trust? - The purpose of" what you want to improve your personality and your professionalism? - The behavior of "what action will you do to reach your goal?
Furthermore, after building a model personal harmony and know what is appropriate in the "frame" her own, do your best to improve harmony between moral frames.
Unlike a general principle, which was sent to each person, the value (value) is the individual. There is a special reason to identify important values held. Values help people to selective on how to spend precious time. While values can help tell right from wrong, values also help people to decide the right thing by guided choices. To make the right decision, to consider important choices of personal values such as health, personal growth, adventure, and family.
Same with every part of effective leadership, good decision-making to explain about your personal values. Sometimes we do not accurately assess what we say and what we do. If every time you get yourself not consistent with the values, you have a choice. You can learn to harmony better behavior with your values, develop moral and emotional competence or you simply accept that you judge something you feel is not important to you. This is no problem as long as your actions are not contrary to general principles.
Any effective leader has a crystal ball clear objectives. The objective is very important for an effective leader because the purpose of moving beyond what is conscious or good intentions of specific actions. Effective leaders accept responsibility as a way of achieving goals. Effective leaders have a goal so they pay attention. They are also encouraging their followers to build personality and achieve goals. One of the tools terhandal motivator of good leaders is to show concern for what is desired and the purpose of which is owned by the people who worked with him.
Behavior put "live" in the "life line". Habit of showing what to do, including thoughts, emotions, and actions taken. The habit is something that inspires people to follow the leader. Humans will not know you as a moral leader unless you talk about your life goals and act in harmony.
Moral Intelligence is part of the human being to sharpen the human moral compass and make sure that the objectives are consistent with moral guidance. Moral competence is the ability to act on our moral principles. Emotional competence is the ability to manage our emotions and other people in situations of moral demands. Without moral intelligence there is no training that will lead us to moral leadership, also called the brain injured child. No matter how hard their parents try to fill the positive values, they actually lack the basic neurologika, a tool to distinguish between right and wrong.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Labels: 4you
Repeal 'Images Difficult' is rooted
Repeal 'Images Difficult' is rooted
When a draft of a lesson given by a teacher to the pupils or students to get themselves through reading or other media, then when it was going transformation of science. Through the transformation of science, was born the students' response to knowledge acquired. Diverse student responses can be measured by whether or not absorbed the concept of science that give teachers or students get.
We teach students certainly have a different response to something. So it is with a science or subject matter that we provide. In addition we look at student responses directly in teaching and learning. Occasionally there is nothing wrong if we asked them whether directly or indirectly (questionnaire), learning what they like and dislike. Without intention searching our other colleagues lack of course. We can take the negative side as learning (self instropeksi) and we can take the positive side as motivation to learn to give good service to students. We can ask what makes them reasons they like or dislike of a lesson. We listen and understand the contents of their hearts. We also can enter their world (especially primary school students) but that does not mean we will comply all their wishes granted. Especially if they desire it intended to mislead. Like the students the following statement: "I do not like math because there's always homework.
"I do not like the Indonesian language teaching because nuliisss continue, boring!"
If that's the reason they are, whether we will reduce the portion of giving homework (maths) and reduce the portion of writing (Indonesian language teaching). As a wise teacher of course we would not do it and we have special considerations in the learning. We try to give an explanation to them what the benefits. With math homework, he grew adept at solving math problems. By writing, he will continue to hone skills berbahasanya.
An X class when the teacher asked one student whose value is always below the KKM. Why is it always worth students under KKM. Students responded that lesson X is difficult. Of course if we are teachers lesson X, we want to know, what makes students feel difficulty? We will try to solve the difficulties. However, after we tried a variety of tricks for telling the child had no difficulty was the child still says that the lessons of X is difficult.
This assumption is difficult students that lessons is actually from a variety of factors, both factors of itself or factors from other people. Factor of itself that is the assumption that difficult to grow on its own because it was felt pessimistic about these lessons. Factor from others is the assumption that arise because of the influence of those around him better teachers, friends, his parents.
Elementary students in general, a growing sense of love towards certain subjects initially was intrigued. Interested in this regard from a variety of reasons. Interested because they feel able, interested because of his teacher, are interested because of the lessons fun, interesting, as the feel is more challenging and so forth. And vice versa if the students do not feel interested. Not interested because they feel can not, do not like his teacher, the lessons boring, no challenge. From the feel is not interested, then growing distaste, pessimistic, and into trouble. It is difficult to understand concepts and work on the problems / exercises.
Ongoing hard feelings, and not soon be broken, there was a sense of failure to heed. If it is left then it will give tough image that will continue to cling to year after year he followed the lesson. Especially if it has long (since childhood) he felt, to have the support of the statement and the attitude of parents, friends, or any teacher that the lesson was indeed difficult. Not to mention if we are dealing with students are students who tend to be sluggish in this case lacked the fighting spirit and passion that burns in this study.
The concept of a science lesson that we are like plants growing rice in paddies. Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the plant is a weed of rice as the rice plant pests. Weeds that are ready to disturb the leaves until the roots that will hinder the fertility of rice. As was also the image is difficult on students. The impression is difficult that it will continue to hinder our students' steps to move forward and learn. Like grass it difficult to precisely that image should we get rid of, be revoked until the roots. It was not only once but we do need each time. As the regular crop fertilizer we give each month. If we do not continuously, will grow new tough image. Steps to get rid of difficult students images we can do in the activities of teaching and learning process as follows:
1. Make students interested. Creating interest in a variety of ways, in starting games, rhymes, songs, jokes, puzzles, an object and others.
2. Motivating students. Strong encouragement that students 'can' and able to develop a sense of confidence.
3. Giving the award. Sentences praise, prizes, clap your hands, thumbs-up, had made them feel valued and valuable.
4. Be generous. Generous in this regard with smiles, occasional low values, and cheap energy to provide science.
5. Know your student. Background abilities, his character, how to learn, to his family.
6. Keep positive thoughts in students. Positive thoughts will certainly produce positive particles also from the brain, making a synergic mind with her subconscious.
7. Good cooperation of teachers, principals, and parents.
Especially the beruhubungan with student motivation. Between schools and parents have the vision and mission that is consistent in terms of motivating students.
This step is expected to pull weeds learn, pull up the roots, remove the tough image in student learning. Indeed we do not attempt to directly result in significant changes to the student, but at least we are able to change negative thoughts and improve their confidence. Hopefully we can become teachers who can change the image hard to be easy or simple images. As a farmer who diligently pull out the weeds that surround the rice stem.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Labels: 4you
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sistem Komputer
Sistem Komputer
Computers as we know it today is the result of the development of electronics and informatics technologies that form the original large-sized computer and eating places, now a small form with great ability. The progress of electronics components industry IC (integrated circuit) has encouraged the creation of a variety of diverse IC chip devices and supports a variety of purposes manufacture electronic products. The progress of electronics technology is inseparable from the advancement of knowledge and processing of semiconductor materials, especially silico In the world of entertainment, the world's children have long been familiar with the gaming device which is controlled by a computer system. In industry, the computer has been used to control the production machinery with high accuracy (eg CNC, a versatile machine in the metal industry), so can we meet a variety of metal products industry are varied and we imagine that difficult if done manually. Many of the machines in the garment industry are equipped with computer control, for example bodir cap companies to produce hats with embroidered images of uniform quality in large quantities in a short time.
In trading companies such as department stores have used cash register (cash register) which is equipped with computer control so that the machine can be controlled by the manager only from his room alone.
In education, in addition to be found as a tool for learning, a lot of lab equipment which is equipped with a computer so that the tool can work more closely and overcome obstacles to human senses. From the field of education and research that use such tools produced a variety of useful research results that do not feel has been widely used in everyday life in society. In the field of biotechnology, culture devices have been equipped with computer controls to undertake precision work in a sterile room. Australian companies have developed robots for the purposes of this biotechnology.
Many new vehicles have been equipped with computer systems so that fuel usage can be arranged to some degree it is efficient for a long distance trip. Passenger buses are equipped with computer control systems and sophisticated sensors that riding the bus feel more secure.
Application of sophisticated computer controls contained in aircraft and spacecraft. In order to overcome the obstacles of nature and hard to do it manually by a pilot, an aircraft can be controlled automatically so that it can fly safely at the destination.
Meaning of Computer Systems
Equally we all know, technology has evolved rapidly, in particular when there are significant changes regarding people's views on technology, although the essence of these technologies are still in the frame of reference exists. For example, in the days before 2000, common people are still looking at a computer is a machine that is usually located on a table where the table is there a keyboard, monitor and CPU. Or better known as the Personal Computer. Besides, people still distinguish between computers with mobile phones, fax machines, video player, sound system, photocopiers etc.. But here the device is getting increasingly difficult to distinguish. Let us sharpen discussion about the computer system is, of course it is better we discuss first what is meant by the system and the computer itself.
Actually what is meant by the system? In a simple system can be translated: A unitary elements that are interconnected to form a group in executing a principal purpose of which is targeted.
As mentioned above, the system does not only involve just one function or procedure, but is a unity of all the things involved for the desired job can be done well.
Well, now what about the computer, whether that computer? if only the computer that had been that we often refer to type at your desk? Yes! That is one example.
Computer derived from the Latin of the word Computare, which means the count (in English to compute). In general, the definition of a computer is an electronic device that can receive and process data into information, run programs stored in memory, and can work automatically with certain rules.
We certainly agree, the computer does not understand human language. So how do these men command can be understood by computers? While the computer machine to work on the basis of electric current available to it.
Here is made a specific rule how human desire can be translated for the machine can understand. Electronic machines can understand this command with a few basic commands that he had (instruction set).
Humans make commands to the computer through a program, where the program contains the instruction set it earlier. So automatically by the program that have been developed a computer can understand what to do.
With the above, it is clear that the form that computer can be calculators, notebooks, personal computers, and others. Computers are the result of the advancement of electronics and informatics technology that serves as a tool for writing, drawing, editing pictures or photos, create animations, operates a program of scientific analysis, simulation and for control equipment.
Form of computer that was large enough to operate a program, now a small form with the ability to operate a variety of programs. Electronic equipment (hardware) and programs (software / software) have made a computer into a useful object. A computer that only have electronic equipment or software alone just will not work. With no second, the computer can serve a useful tool.
Computers also can be developed to control the production of machine tools or household appliances. By adding a homemade electronic circuit, then a normal computer can be used to control industrial equipment and household. There is a tendency to control the use of computer like this with the support of IC chip technology has enabled people to make a small robot that is useful as a robot vehicle that is used in space missions.
Computer Systems
Computer systems are the elements that are relevant to perform an activity using the computer. Elements of a computer system consisting of human (brainware), software (software), instruction set (instruction set) and hardware (hardware).
Thus the components is an element involved in a computer system. Of course, the hardware does not mean anything if no one from the other two (software and brainware). A simple example, who would turn on the computer if there is no human. Or what command will run the computer if there is no software.
The existence of electronics and informatics technology developments have provided an enhancement to a personal computer such as:
* Mouse, a mechanical device to carry out any work that is usually done by humans. For example, do paint the car. This robot is equipped by a machine or computer device either simple or complex that is able to control his movements.
* Modem, a tool to convert digital data to form voice data or vice versa so that data from a computer can be communicated to other computers via ordinary telephone lines, radio communication or earth station
* Sound card, part of computer components in the form of a card that serves to generate sound.
* Video card, a tool to display information to the screen.
* Card television receiver, a tool to capture television signals.
* Card radio receiver, a means to receive radio waves.
* Ethernet card, a tool for connecting with a computer network.
* Printer, printer device (desk jet, bubble jet, laser jet, plotter)
* Tools translator printed images (digitizer and scanner).
Computer and Information Systems
Computer systems and informatics have a very close relationship, and can not be separated from one another. As noted earlier, information itself is a discipline that is specifically related to the symbolic data processing using automated machines or computers. Of course computers are referred to here is the computer system itself.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Labels: 4you
CTL Learning Model for Improving and Developing Understanding Puberty Materials
CTL Learning Model for Improving and Developing Understanding Puberty Materials
Information and communication technology is growing rapidly. Various information from various corners of the world very easily accessible in an increasingly global era. Communication tool in recent years dominated the world market is handphone (HP). HP with various brands and completeness of its facilities so well loved by many children, adolescents (ABG), and adults. Likewise, growth and development of private television stations in Indonesia on the one hand be proud, but on the other hand raises our concern. Why? These concerns arise because of television shows that aired many who do not educate our children. Many scenes, Äúsekwilda, Äù (around the chest area) and, Äúbupati, Au (open high thigh-high) and show a kind of patron-in other ways that lead children to be consumptive and luxury lifestyle (glamorous), to live freely without regard to the norms applicable. Such scenes would have a negative impact on mental development, social, and physical children. Not to mention, the growth of cafe-cafe like mushrooms in the rainy season where the kids so easily access the Internet to satisfy the curiosity of children about the means of reproduction without the guidance of parents / teachers. The facilities contained in HP also allows children access to things that are not worthy to be seen / known. Therefore do not be surprised if lately a lot less pleasant events that befall us as teenagers involved intercourse / sex-free, drug addicts, MBA / pregnant out of wedlock, rape, theft / robbery etc. Such incidents occur due to the influence of the spectacle that is less lead children to become good personal. At puberty there are changes that occur in the teens with the influence of hormone-specific hormones. Changes occur in the physical aspects, psychological and social. This often causes changes in behavior that initially sweet child becomes unruly children even children with problems. Meanwhile, the teens have not even did not have enough knowledge about the changes that occur. Ignorance due to lack of knowledge of their parent or parents have the knowledge of puberty but they are very busy working. Of course this raises deep concern for parents, educators and the general public. Schools as an educational institution should look at this phenomenon. Providing knowledge on puberty (puberty) seems to provide strong capital base and in the face of changing internal and external to our youth, so as to prevent the things we do not want.
Observation of the author as an educator in SD 2 YPK indicate that the class VI students who have experienced a lot and some have experienced it mensturasi while in class IV (age 10 years). In general, these last 10 years there is a trend we experienced teens mensturasi early, too early than teenage wet dream long ago. The reason is the increasing nutritional factors, as well as environmental factors such as the shows that stimulate their sexual libido.
But children who have wet dreams mensturasi and yet have good enough knowledge in line with any changes they experienced. This situation is interesting to study for our teens feel ready and comfortable to face periods of puberty or puberty. Thus, our next generation does not fall on the life of a misleading and we as educators took part in preparing the next generation of quality.
SD 2 Kaltim Fertilizer Foundation, the majority of students are children of Kaltim Fertilizer employee. Socioeconomic level of students' average upper middle, so that all needs fulfilled both the needs of primary, secondary and even tertiary. Almost all students have a hp, computers / laptops, and Internet networks in their homes. This condition on the one hand beneficial, but one party needs to vigilance. Role for teachers and parents can direct toward positive things from the facilities they have. Selection of appropriate learning models can bring problems of students with a solution. Learning model CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning), selected with consideration to link the subject matter with the situations and conditions of grade 6 students who are experiencing puberty.
Contextual Teaching and Learning or contextual learning is a concept of teaching and learning that help teachers link the activities and subjects of teaching materials with real situations that can motivate students to be able to connect the knowledge and terapannya with the daily life of students as family members and even as members of society where she lives (U.S. Department of Education, 2001).
From the presentation of this learning program, there are some findings that seem meaningful and closely related to learning and teaching of CTL, namely:
1. How to active student learning (CBSA): with the help of LDS / LKS students look / perform their own to get the data and information about physical changes in adolescents who begin puberty as well as maintain the cleanliness of reproductive health, the introduction of religious norms. The individual student daughter had a discussion with the mother / older sister / mother of his chosen teacher, while boys with the father / older brother / father teacher of his choice.
2. Process skills approach (PKP): students are given the freedom to bring their potential in the search for new knowledge, by making the process of discussion, class presentations, interviews.
3. Life skills education (Life skills education): students are given supplies to care for oneself (self study) such as reproductive health, can make mensturasi traditional herbal medicine (jamu turmeric tamarind).
4. Teaching authentic (autentics instruction): students actually do own the process to seek knowledge about the means of male and female reproductive changes at puberty fiisik based on clues provided by teachers, and guidance of teachers or adults who appointed teachers.
5. Inquiri-based Learning (inquiri based learning): student will seek and find their own knowledge / skills desired, this cycle starts from the observation-hypothesis-question the conclusion of data collection.
6. Problem-based learning (problem based learning) students obtain knowledge starting point of his problems is the existence of hormones at puberty followed by physical changes, emotionally, in the end the knowledge acquired at the same time to solve the problem.
7. Cooperative learning (cooperative learning): students are social beings can work together for between one another in facing the problem. Distribution of small groups with the ability of members of different groups, sharing responsibilities, interact with each other to accomplish the task group.
The assessment was conducted in two phases, namely:
1. Assessment of the assessment process when students are doing the learning process. This assessment includes: assessment of attitude (affective) which include: attention during the activity, often ask / express opinions, timeliness collect duties, participation in study groups.
2. Assessment results of the assessment after, students completed the learning process.
This assessment includes:
• assessment of student work (Produc test) such as: clippings, charts.
• assessment of learning outcomes, in the form of pencil and paper test consisting of: multiple choice, structured description, objective, short answer. From the assessment, the results obtained 70% of class mastery, nurturant effects (accompanist), especially in the learning process that parents become closer and watched the children in the face during puberty.
Similarly, the author's experience in applying the CTL model, hopefully to make one of the variations Puberty learning in primary schools.
Posted by
miss day
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Labels: 4you
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Relationship Between Depression With Heart Disease
For those patients with coronary heart disease, maybe now you should be careful in maintaining the level of your depression. Why? Because depression and heart disease turned out to have a close relationship in the problem of "killing". The combination of the two "friends" is, when experienced by someone while at the same time, making the patient has the risk of death four times higher than if it only has one just like depression or heart disease alone.
A study of British Whitehall II study has been conducted in England and France in this matter. No half-hearted, six thousand patients took part in this study for several years. As a result, patients with heart disease are at risk of death up to 67%. And if the patient also suffered depression simultaneously, the percentage is increasing the risk of death.
Then, how can these risks be minimized? Amy Thompson, a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation said that regular exercise and eating healthy foods and not excessive in eating the food, can help you in avoiding this risk. And for depression does not come to you, turns out to practice their religion regularly and regularly every day and close to God, is a potent drug in preventing the emergence of depression. *** ...
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you
Tips for Securing your ATM Strategies of Cracker breaker ATM
Tips for Securing your ATM Strategies of Cracker breaker ATM
Now the technology used by cyber criminals have advanced and sophisticated. Therefore needed the latest technology in security systems for blocking a strong banking. However, to avoid crime by crackers, the active role of clients is also required. Consider telling tips from M. Salahuddien, Vice Chairman of the Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII) the following:
1. Ask the bank to replace your credit or debit cards with chip cards. Bank Indonesia (BI) has issued new regulations which since January 2010, all the old card-based magnetic should no longer be used and must be replaced with chip-based cards.
According to M. Salahuddien who fondly called Didi, he has yet to confirm whether this rule applies only to credit card only, or also for atm card? According to him should have all the cards issued by banks should be based on the chip. In fact, if abroad, the ATM machines are not using non-chip cards anymore.
2. Close the code 3 digit (CVV2) found on the back of your card, either with a sticker, cellotape or anything that is not transparent. Please note that in addition to an online transaction authorization, code 3 digits will not ever be used for conventional transactions such as the ATM machine or at the counter EDC merchants.... 3. In order to maintain the security, change your PIN as often as possible. At least once a year on the day of your birth so you can easily remember. Or six months or once every time you have a chance to change it.
4. Nor should even provide information about the pin and your personal data to anyone for any reason, including the bank's customer service, unless you are sure that this is a procedure that must be passed. For now a lot of third party on behalf of banks, such as insurance companies on the grounds has cooperated with the bank issuing the card, they offer their products via telephone or directly come to you asking you to provide personal information on this.
In such matters, always be careful, because if you approve it then means you are willing for them to do auto ebet against your account. This is very dangerous. For that you immediately asked for more time to them to confirm to the bank concerned, is it true that the bank has been working with the telemarketing and ask also how the rules of the game follows the risk.
5. When you are shopping or browsing the merchant's counter, keep an eye on your card presence when in the hands of officers. Follow where your card is taken and do not let the card was brought into the room or to a place that's not in front of you. Make sure they swipe your card only once the friction course. The cards are swiped to different machines and many times is not fair. When this happens, too, immediately ask the officer why do so. If the answer is not satisfactory, immediately cancel the transaction and refused to sign anything. Immediately report the things that have happened to the issuing bank to the suspicion to the condition at a merchant counter.
6. Note also the physical condition of the engine used EDC. Make sure that no additional device attached to the machine, either strapped to the cable-shaped or other suspicious objects. Although this needs to be understanding of difficult technical and viewed by a novice user, but by naked eye from us beware, it can be known.
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you
Want Business Success? Follow These Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs
Want Business Success? Follow These Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs
You are an entrepreneur? Maybe you should read this article. Articles on tips on how an entrepreneur to be successful and to act in its business. This is what makes many emerging new entrepreneurs are successful who knows this secret key. The key is taking them apart from the various problems faced and come out as winners.
Mental attitude and personality of a businessman is to determine whether or not their business forward. A successful entrepreneur is certainly having an attitude that supports the success he achieved. Then what kind of mental attitude it takes a new entrepreneur to run the business he is moving quickly and provide maximum benefit for their business.
As an entrepreneur, basically there are 5 mental attitude that you should apply:
1. Mental Mental Winners Versus Losers
You need to know that success is in fact not something that happens by chance. Once jgua with failures that are also not happen by chance. Success and failure of mental and behavior produced by the perpetrators. Mental hardiness, which is always positive attitude, will bring happiness, peace and sincerity in every business that you live. Therefore, memulailah with the right mental.
Mental loser or loser
Mental a loser always do 3 things in doing business are:
a. Blame, blame someone else obtaining behave in the event of a problem.
b. Excuse, always trying to find a thousand reasons or excuse for him not to blame.
c. Denial, not always accept the reality that happened that happened to him and always deny it.
This thing is often a "scapegoat" for it, either excuse or deny the attitude is the reason most countries, economic conditions, market, competitors, neighbors, wives, husbands, children, parents, and so forth. There was even a very severe mental entrepreneurs to blame God.
Mental winner.
Mental always be a winner also will be 3 things in doing business are:
a. Ownership: Mental attitude has a very high against the company and control of the company so that he is very concerned about everything that happened. This guy just does not let companies that control the situation, but it was he who controls the company into a good direction. This is no different than a captain who controls his ship towards the land of dreams that's correct.
b. Accountable: Attitudes strong opinionated and always committed to run every plan that has been planned with the patient. In Arabic it is better known by the term "Tsiqoh" or solid in the establishment.
c. Responsible. Responsible attitude about something that happened and did not escape to anything that happened. 2. Failure Is Part of Your Success.
In the business world, you should be prepared to fail. When asked, who wants to fail? Guaranteed guns one wants, right? But who wants to succeed? Everyone's hand up ... The question is, who wants to do what is done by successful entrepreneurs? Not many are still willing to raise their hands? Lah, he will succeed but do not want to work hard. That means, most entrepreneurs would only just have a plan alone and do not dare to run it. Lah, how would succeed if only just a dream!
For that, prepare everything that might keep you away from failure. And be prepared if it fails. because failure is part of your success.
Why do so many people commit suicide if it fails? Because in the hearts and minds is never dawned that there is fail is part of every business. Shok when receive the failure and became disillusioned with very deep. Know that failure is something that is definitely in business. This is the thinking you need to consider.
3. Failure due to Know: "I Know Everything."
The attitude of "I know everything" is an attitude that should really be shunned by a successful businessman. Many successful entrepreneurs in the world who have never said this: I know everything ..... They are successful people who think ahead. They never say "I Know", they always say ... "Is not that interesting Hhmmmm .." When you say "I Know Everything" or "I Know Everything", it means you have your own inhibit creative thinking. And you close the door to accept new things.
In conclusion: A world-class entrepreneurs who withstand the crisis is always open-minded to keep learning and learning. Well, if you want to take the time to always be learning?
4. Time Management vs. Self Management.
A businessman told me: "When my vacation, my mind is not always uneasy. Sometimes thinking about the office, thinking about the customer, production, cost, etc. "
You want to know why this is so? The answer because you have not yet solid business foundation. The foundation of your business when you build a business not addressed properly. Why? Because you are busy, it was the answer ....
You should know that large employers should not be busy, busy especially in uncertain business. Large employers do not need to perform operational matters such as: the bandwagon to count pennies, queuing at the bank, wrote his own financial reports and so forth. You must learn to manage your time and melilmpahkan your task to the employee.
5. Setting Goal or Target
Now I'll help you. Please answer the following questions:
a. Where you will bring your wife and kids to vacation this year?
b. What a gift you buy for the person you love most, so he'll be very surprised?
c. What is the name of a family restaurant that will make you so surprised when hear it?
d. What one thing you need for your home to buy right now?
e. Houses that how you dreamed of as your second home?
f. How much money would you donate and what social events you want to do this year?
g. Birthday gift what you dream of, which would you buy for yourself which is something fantastic?
Posted by
miss day
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Labels: 4you